Originally posted by MacFreak
Why don't hack into Apple Menu and see if we able to put anything on apple menu. If you already know about this. Please let us know. I don't care if this apple menu is for system feaures. Dock is good so we have apple menu too.. I use dock for all Application. Apple menu perfect for me to access to hard drive.
I can't do too much with the Apple menu yet, right now I can only change what the menu's say, and point certain ones elsewhere. I will be poking around more to see if I can get some useful sub-menus working on the menu.
Here's what I did so far...
I went to /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/<i>language</i>.lproj (replace language with whatever you are using), and copied out "Localized.rsrc" to the desktop.
I then used <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/Download/QuickConvert.sit.hqx?user=dmaclach&fpath=QuickConvert.sit">QuickConvert</a> to change this into a resource file (just open 'Localized.rsrc' with Quickconvert).
Next I used Resedit to edit the Menu resource (i think it was -29629, but you will see it graphicaly anyway). Then I used QuickConvert to change the file back to a data file, and copied it back.
You can change where this menu item points to by editing the 'Menus.strings' file in the same dir. It currently points to the address "www.apple.com/macosx/downloads/".
I don't know if I can change this to a local file or not (i haven't tried yet) But I will poke around some more and post here if I find out.
Remember, you need root priviledges to copy these files back, and for God's sake MAKE BACKUPS. I locked myself out of the system last night because I forgot to change the 'Localized.rsrc' back to a data file with QuickConvert. I had to boot to 9.1 and copy my backup back.
happy hacking