Apple Remote Desktop not allowing...



I have a G4 PB set up to admin my G5 with ARD 3.1. For some reason ARD will not allow me to connect to the G5 to observe and/or control it. Gives me a connection failure message. It seems to allow most other admin functions I need.

In the past, before a major computer reorganization with my home biz- I had ARD set up on the same laptop to be able to access my (different) G5 throught the web. It involved setting up a dyndns account, and setting up port forwarding on my VOIP router (Lynksis WRTP54G). I have everything set up the same way again, and even within the local network, I cannot control/observe the G5. The only thing slightly unusual, or rather, that I don't recall, is that when it sees the G5, it's IP address is showing up and the internet IP address of my router.

I've reset the modem. Made sure all the computers' software is up to date. Did all the usual trouble shooting and maintenance, etc.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.


Firewall is set to allow ARD and Remote Activities.

Even in the ARD list of computers, it's showing when I switch programs. Very strange. Been checking and triple checking my router and ddns settings.


Thanks for your reply. Always appreciated.
Do you get the connection failure when you try to connect to it or when you perform some function being logged to it already?
What shows in the logs when the error occurs?
Can you get a proper ssh connection?
Have you tried to restart the ARDagent with kickstart?
Firewall is set to allow ARD and Remote Activities.

Even in the ARD list of computers, it's showing when I switch programs. Very strange. Been checking and triple checking my router and ddns settings.


Thanks for your reply. Always appreciated.

Is the IP-number of the server still te same ? If not, the server will have internal issues with the changed ip-number. There is a command (changeip) for that.

Otherwise check if you can access the server will connection to it from the internal LAN. Sometimes that might give you some clues.

Good luck, Kees