Apple + S


Ok so i was having some minor problems and somehow locked up X.1 and on restart i decided to do hold down apple + s and run 'fsck'. I've done this so many other times in previous versions and it nicely checks and fixes any errors in my system. But it wouldnt work. I'd get a few lines of text then i'd get is a bunch of lines that said:

ADPT_OSI_IndicateGenerationChange (nop)
ADPT_OSI_IndicateQueFrozen: id5, unfreeze
ADPT_OSI_IndicateQueFrozen: id5, freeze

They just kept coming and coming untill my whole screen was filled and then they just kept coming more and more. They never stopped. So i hit restart again and started off the X.1 CD, ran disk first aid, it found and fixed some problems but i still cant apple + s on startup. Any clues why?

Ohh and i did get my system back running. :rolleyes:
<smartass>Sounds like a problem with your ADPT_OSI thingy - which most likely ran rampant and obliterated your IndicateQue setting. Not fatal but a pain. Apple is working with the BSD geeks to figure this one out. Should be fixed in the next version.</smartass>

Sorry. I'm a bit sour that all my knowledge on troubleshooting Macs has been figuratively, thrown in the crapper since OSX came on the scene.

When OSX works - it works good. When OSX craps out - who the heck knows how to fix it?


Again. Sorry. This wasn't the thread to rant in.
I've run into this problem with my SCSI card when I don't have something terminated correctly. When I try to get into the shell, unless there is a disk in my Zip SCSI drive, this comes up repeatedly. Be sure you have any kind of disk in any drives, and try it again to see what happens.