Apple sightings on TV and movies?

Im not positive but I believe I caught a look at either a 15in Albook or 17in in the new Volkswagen Phaeton commercial.
The Drew Carey Show has Macs everywhere. Drew sometimes has a tangerine iBook in his living room, and Mimi has an iMac on her desk at work, among others.

This has probably been mentioned already, though I just thought about it.
I was waltzing through the playroom and saw some cartoon the kids were watching - waltzing through, really! :P - called Fairly Odd Parents. The kid gets sucked into the internet and appears on the screens of ten different people's computers, everyone with a Mac looking interface.
I got the REI catalog last night (hiking and camping gear for those asking, "What's REI?") and there was an ad for their website in the catalog, and the image of the website was on an original 15" tiBook.

ok, so it's not tv/film, but i found it!
Giaguara said:
I thiiiiink I saw a mac or macs in Hackers... the smiling classic apple face. I saw that movie yesterday, a really good example on how bad a dubbed version can be .. it was just sooo bad in italian. :D

Remarkably Giaguara, it pretty much sucks in any language.
Not even a semi-nude shot of AJ.
And she says her Mac has a new Pentium 4 (or some such nonsense) in it... I almost gagged in the theatre!
Woah I watched "40 days and 40 nights" ... It was hard to see scene without Apple in it. I saw 17" Studio Display's and G4 Cubes' (I was SOOO smug! heh). There were a few G3 PowerBooks too, but everyone was using OS 9. *gag*
umm... anyone into manga, have u heard about Chobits? its about persocom (human robots). The power button and the display of the cartoon is definitely mac ...
On the spanish channel. There is a commercial for a set of dvds to teach you English. In the commercial there is a TiBook. Go spanish people....
the Powerbook was in the Sprint TV commercial where there were ppl sitting around in a group in chairs in a building ....
A Good Guys ad I saw this evening featured a camcorder ::sleepy::, a picture phone ::sleepy::, and an iPod :D.
I watched Finding Nemo last night... in Making Nemo, a lot of people had desktop or laptop Macs, and they even had a tangerine iMaquarium. :)

I also liked when they showed some of the possible names for one of the boats, including iBoat. ;)