Apple sightings on TV and movies?

not sure if this was posted, but kelly osbourne had an i(ce)Book in an episode of the Osbournes
A few here, from UK Television:

RI:SE (morning show) has a room full of iMacs and emacs. yum!

And AOL adverts over ehre always use Macs. Which I hate. they plaster PC screens ontop. Macs cant help looking good! They do have great and superiour funcuality to PC's as well!
I just saw The Royal Tenenbaums on DVD. The one with Gene Hackman and Gywneth Paltrow. I was surprised to see Apple LCD monitors in one of the scenes within a classroom. I also thought I saw G4 cubes. I'm confused now b/c I thought the movie took place in the 70s or 80s. Something's not adding up.
ummmmmm the show Undergrads they use like an imac i think, and for a webcam it always opens quicktime 4.
I'm surprised that Hulkaros hasn't mentioned this :confused: but in The Hulk, there are Macs galore. ::love:: Hulk even smashed one right to bits during his first rampage. :D
I'm too lazy to read the whole thread... don't flame me if it's already here...
Eddie Muphy uses a 15" PowerBook in Daddy Day Care ;)
EDIT: In Daria, Jane installs a webcame onto her blueberry flavored iMac :P
Originally posted by Randman
I'm surprised that Hulkaros hasn't mentioned this :confused: but in The Hulk, there are Macs galore. ::love:: Hulk even smashed one right to bits during his first rampage. :D

Ahh, you beat me to it!

It was the only part of the movie I enjoyed.. :)


The transistions were driving me crazy..
And.. the story wasn't that good. Seemed to just drag....
dont know if this was posted before but iMac and cube in the Drew Carrey show (with OS X screen shots).
Time Warner is runing a series of commercials in the Austin area pushing their wireless option. Each of the three commercials features the 15" Powerbook being toted around with the apple logo on the cover clearly visible throughout.

Originally posted by j79
Ahh, you beat me to it!

It was the only part of the movie I enjoyed.. :)


The transistions were driving me crazy..
And.. the story wasn't that good. Seemed to just drag....

my finace grew up using a PC and hasn't yet seen the light, so i always make it a point to point out anything apple related in t.v. and movies. When that Apple Display and iMac first popped on to the screen all i did was nudge her and say 'hmmm'
Didn't actually see any Macs, but on Blind Date tonight on Spike (just got back from Japan and I love the first network for men) anyway, one of the captions for the guy, whom is a computer engineer, was "She's hotter than my iMac." And in response to her question of "what are you hoping for" the caption was, "A new Titanium Powerbook with OS X" God, I'm a doateless dork living my dates through Blind Date. Shoot me.
There are mac's all over Orange County, California.

In the O.C. (...)
I saw a powerbook, and a few iMac's. Just in one episode!
Life as a House features an apple lcd display. Can't see the size, but it's definately an Apple. Also features a powerbook g3.

Freaky Friday featured many powerbooks (I think 5 was the total count), 2 iMac sightings and 1 eMac.