Apple sightings on TV and movies?

don't remember if anybody said "Kate and Leopold" or "Master of Disguise". I enjoyed spotting macs in both.
I saw two movies yesterday that had macs: The Final Destination 2, severak times seeing notably a mac.
And Freddy vs Jason - one kid was using a mac keyboard :)
MIB II, the OS of the Mercedes is OS-X (real Mercedes use Win-CE, but in MIB the car is really perfect... MIB cannot accept bugs, only worms)
in Tiger Wood's book How I Play Golf he is using a 15 inch powerbook, so even the best golfer in the world knows...
i saw a mac in a strange spot for Spike TV (formerly TNN) they had a 17 inch powerbook with a Spike TV sticker on it and the Apple logo in full view, i was quite surprised
Amazing Siting!!!!

I was watching an Arabic movie on local TV here in Cairo, a really strange flick about some woman who undergoes a sex-change, and there was an LC II (or maybe a III) with a 13 inch rounded face screen in the doctor's office. I was shocked! A little later, a psychiatrist was thumping away on a report with a pizza-box quadra!!


Um, yeah, that's it.

That's quite an endorsement, I must say... associates Macs with "sexy."
Neither of these are sightings from TV or a Movie, but they are Apple sightings.

I saw Radiohead at the Tweeter Center (MA) a few weeks ago. The guitarist had a Powerbook G4 (15” I think) next to his keyboard setup. He would go over to it in between and even during songs to make changes to whatever program he was running. I assume it was running samples for his keyboard that he also plays.

The reason I noticed it was because one of the on stage cameras was setup right behind it. Every time they switched to that camera you would see the back of the Powerbook, and the glowing Apple logo on the huge projectors they had on both sides of the stage. It was quite the advertisement for Apple & music professionals.

I just checked out the new Microsoft Office System demo, and spotted a Powerbook G4 (with the logo photoshopped out). It is the first computer they show when you click on "Start Demo." I thought that was pretty cool. :p
Um, that's not a Powerbook... it doesn't have the Apple logo, though they might have Photoshopped it out. It looks whiter than the PB.
Originally posted by arden
Um, that's not a Powerbook... it doesn't have the Apple logo, though they might have Photoshopped it out. It looks whiter than the PB.

It's a Powerbook. Look at the screen hinges & the location of the IR port. They just photoshopped the Apple logo.