Apple sightings on TV and movies?

I am sort of saddened that I saw this, But Oprah had the iPod as one of her favourite things on one show - and each audience member got one for themselves - that'd be awesome - pity she didn't have G5s. (I apologise if this has already been posted)
This is the first I've heard of it, since I don't watch the diva queen of daytime TV. Don't apologize unless you know it's already been posted, and in that case, don't post it.
There was an iPod on the OC last night, and then there's an iPod in the target commercial. iPod's are all over 50 cent's exclusive video in the apple music store too - and I saw a powerbook somewhere but can't remember where :^(
apple's galore on MI-5. the entire british secrect service is run with them according to this show. :)
MI-5 is on A&E. new episodes air on tuesday nights. it's a brit show, made for the bbc. pretty good really.
How about some details? What does it stand for, what's the show about, what genre is it, etc.?
Bob, I don't have cable, and unless they give show synopses, the TV Guide won't help me.
did she give away firewire card to so the windows users could use em

As far as I know she gave them the iPods as they come boxed. So there were probably 300 PC users with iPods they didn't know how to plug in.
Originally posted by Mat
As far as I know she gave them the iPods as they come boxed. So there were probably 300 PC users with iPods they didn't know how to plug in.
I saw that. The 15 gig too. My jaw dropped.

In case you guys wanted to know, Oprah has seasonal episodes called Oprah's favorite things, where she gives audience members stuff. An audience member can walk out with anywhere between $200 and $1000 worth of free stuff.

And tickets to watch the show are free.

I just saw finally Real Women Have Curves. (I enjoyed it a lot).

Jimmy has a clamshell iBook in it, and maybe an iMac - (I'll have to resee it to be sure). I'm happy to see "computers provided by Apple Computer" in the end of the movie, as I like good alternative movies. A Californian-made, but mexican-american and ... if you happen to see it somehwere, see it. I missed it in the cinema, and I'm afraid the movie never comes to too many countries. Good luck finding it!
Deliver Us From Eva...

One of the Dandrige Sisters had a Titanium Powerbook next to a Compaq notebook (yuck!)