Apple to do Starbucks Music Site?

Oh God I hope not. What's next, Apple whoring themselves to McDonalds, or maybe just cutting out the middle man and going straight to satan? Ok, it's via HP but I still don't like it.
Couldn't agree with you more moktus. I'm becoming increasingly concerned and vexed with certain things about Apple over the last couple of years but to hear the name even mentioned in the same sentence as 'Starbucks' frankly makes my blood run cold. I've always thought of Apple as the independently run coffee house in the high street, the guy owns a couple and the decent folk hang out there... It's real, fair-trade coffee that may cost a bit more but it's good. I hope to God this falls flat on it's arse. Never thought I'd hear myself say that.
Never had a Starbucks here, but listening to you two, I think that's something to be proud about :)
Well, it is through HP more than a direct Apple-Starbucks thing. But why is that a bad deal? Apple has partnerships with M$. And while I try and avoid Mickey D's, some of them offering wireless surfing (as do Starbucks in my town) do give Mac owners a nice option for a caramel macchiato and surfing. :)
And Apple is far, far from the likes of a mom & pop java joint.
If some other company was doing it, people would raise a fuss that Apple needs to join on the bandwagon or be left behind, which goes to show you can't please everyone.
Personally, I'd like to see iBooks and iMacs used rather than HP devices to further get the word out.
I've been working in Singapore but am thinking of moving somewhere else. Oh, and even though it doesn't have wireless surfing, I usually get my mocha from a smaller chain with better service.
There's one just down the street from me about a block or so. On a good day I can actually pick up their wireless network signal (though not log in). I wonder if I could order and burn/print CDs at Starbucks from my living room?
sounds good 2 me if people are introduced to online music stores at starbucks they are more likely to go home and use the same one at home , i.e. iTMS or "HPMS" wat ever!
What's next, Apple whoring themselves to McDonalds...

Actually, I do remember an announcement or rumor of free iTunes songs with the purchase of a combo meal (via those little peel-off label things on the front of your fries or drink). Search the site for it.
gigapet said:
Couldn't agree with you more moktus.

I couldn't disagree more. Another venue to sell/giveaway iTMS music. Which means more people will want iPods. That is a GOOD thing.

Come to think of it, another great one might be Blockbuster.

Funny everyone wants Apple to go for more market share (with Mac) but when they try (with iPod/iTMS) they are deemed whores. Isn't there some middle they are a business trying to make money by delivering products and services of decent value?
Of course I'd like to see Apple increase their market share but it would be nice if they weren't involved with the more evil multinationals. Although I know that's asking a bit much given that they're already bound to Microsoft and IBM in various ways.
I don't care if they got into bed with MS to provide iTMS to everyone. That is as close to the devil as we can possible get.

This is a good thing, and definitely increases the circulation of AAC and Fairplay, as well as the Apple brand and iPod, amongst other accessories from Apple (and perhaps create some more converters). Think about it. If you are willing to spend 5 bucks for a cappaccino, it means you are willing to seperate with a little more money for a good computer.
Funny that everybody would balk over an alleged Starbucks deal: recently Apple went to bed with two mean old BigCo's: IBM and AOL ... everybody seemed positive about those two ... what's so bad about Starbucks? As many have posted, if it serves to promote iPods, iTMS and Macs in general: bring it on!
Cat said:
Funny that everybody would balk over an alleged Starbucks deal: recently Apple went to bed with two mean old BigCo's: IBM and AOL ... everybody seemed positive about those two ... what's so bad about Starbucks? As many have posted, if it serves to promote iPods, iTMS and Macs in general: bring it on!

Amen! ;)
The first Starbucks site to offer the download service will apparently be located in Santa Monica. The service will be rolled out across 2500 further sites over the next two years, the company said. Prices will match those at ITMS, though there's a minimum purchase of five songs. Five songs cost $6.99, while albums will cost $12.95.

Does not sound a very good deal, 6,99 $ (+tax) for 5 songs .. but well, choose the songs you want, don't need the credit card and it may be something new to try for those hesitating to try iTMS online service... why not?

Apple was among the candidates for the Starbucks wireless thing. Too bad they chose anotehr company for that .. it'd have made airports very common. :D

Lets' see .. too bad it's not on the local starbucks yet.. well, there are just local chains in this neighborhood, but just next to the Apple Store downtown there is one .. I'd like to try that music thing there ;)