Apple website: Loading in tabs a good idea?


just a though......and its simply just that.

Would it be cool if Apple's web page loaded as tabs in safari? would it work, be feasible, or is this simply a dumb idea.

Meaning what? When you click on a link it opens in a new tab?
As far as I know, there is not yet any way to specify that a new window opens in a new tab. I guess it's still to new as a feature.
i tgought that he ment in safari the different parts of the website losded in differnt tabs- the way the website is set out currently it looks like tabs it would mean that it would be faster to go between diferent parts of the site - but wouldnt work on browsers that didnt have tabs like emmmm INTERNET EXPLORER that 90% of people use!
I, personally, don't think that would be cool. I wouldn't want ANY website, much less Apple's own website, opening tabs for me. In addition, trying to open 7 tabs (if you meant the default 7 tabs on Apple's homepage) on a machine with a 56k dial-up connection would be silly.

This may be a great idea for some other application or something, but as for webpages, I don't think too many people would like that.
Of course, the irony of's look is that Panther no longer uses tabs with that visual style. At a minimum, perhaps they should consider updating that top graphic
Well, you could always open all the parts you're interested in in one bookmark folder, and open the whole bookmark folder as a tabset...
brian, ricky: they haven't actually seriously updated for nearly six years. They redid the tabs for Jaguar, but apart from that...

I guess the current design is pretty good; I know I'm at Apple when I see it :)
huck said:
Would it be cool if Apple's web page loaded as tabs in safari? would it work, be feasible, or is this simply a dumb idea.

Very bad idea and would be the same as those well known 'pop-ups' and 'pop-unders', IMO. (That's if Apple/the website did it.)

Apple does need to update their site something bad though. When they do so they need to ensure accessibility/standards compliance.