I was surprised to see Appleworks 6 carbonised. I installed it to recover text from a few documents, and since then, it has stayed on my iMac.
There are a few little problems, like the Ctrl F (which is sooo easy to hit when you have made a massive document, have not saved yet and miss-hit Ctrl V or Ctrl C. Many a time have I done that :/ )
I have also noticed a thing with IE5... when you scroll down, you loose bits of the text and images. The only way to get the text back is to select the text, scroll up and down quickly or reload the page. I have also noticed, if you hide IE5 to the Dock, when you maximise it again, the whole page is black. The only way to sort this one is to open a new window and retype the URL. If OmniWeb did not crash, I would use that !