Applications updated for Tiger (List)

Thanks for posting the list bobw. I upgraded Camino and Cocktail. Also, Little Snitch is available in beta for Tiger. It seems to work fine. SharePoints with no upgrade (don't know if there is one) also is working properly again (couldn't get it to work after updating to 10.3.9).
In my Mug people with Microsoft X+Tiger had many issues. People (like me) with Microsoft 2004, almost zero problems. Your milage may vary.
Thanks. I have searched everywhere and you are the first to give me a definitive answer. Almost every business document I have is Word, Excel or Powerpoint (I have Keynote).
there is no MS Office 2000 for the Mac. There's MS Office 2001 (for OS 9, not carbonised), Office v. X (I've heard of some graphical issues, glitches) and Office 2004 (running fine).
I stand corrected. I have Office X which has been running perfect under 10.3.9, but I had heard that it does not do well with Tiger and that the only solution is to upgrade to Office 2004 --- which I would rather not do unless it is absolutely essential.
Well, I don't know Microsoft's service terms. Maybe they can release a (simple?) patch that solves the problems. I haven't tried to run v. X on Tiger, so I couldn't say what its problems are.

What we _do_ know is that Apple has changed several APIs from 10.0 to 10.4 over time. Applications needed to be updated to a) make use of new features and b) stay compatible. The question really is whether MS intends to still update v. X or will say you have two choices: Stay in Panther or upgrade to Office 2004. I'd ask Microsoft's support. They might even offer you a cheaper update to 2004 if you ask kindly (with enough pressure).
The Ghost said:
Thanks for posting the list bobw. I upgraded Camino and Cocktail. Also, Little Snitch is available in beta for Tiger. It seems to work fine. SharePoints with no upgrade (don't know if there is one) also is working properly again (couldn't get it to work after updating to 10.3.9).

From what's said on their sites or personal experience, I have confirmed that, in addition to those mentioned above, Font Finagler, MacStumbler, Pacifist, and Preferential Treatment are good to go with Tiger.
Well, by now a _lot_ of 3rd party software utilities have been updated. I think it's not necessary to keep updating the list in this thread. If someone's using some software doesn't seem to work right in Tiger, a quick look at or shows whether the software's been updated for Tiger. VT has a "Tiger compatible" list, too. You have to give them an E-Mail address for a 'basic, free account', though, to see it.
just did a 4000 word essay on office x on tiger. not a problem (i mean other than it's a god-awful, obtuse, awkward, clumsy piece of crap program we're almost all forced to use...)
Upgraded to Tiger on 12 and 17 laptops using Office 2004 Powerpoint and suddenly Ppt response slowed down when opening, switching visualization modes. Seems like it takes more time to draw all images in presentations. Medical images, ppt presentations are big 30 to 60 MB. Any ideas to fix. Back to Panther? Important lectures next month.
FYI Extensis Suitcae Server 10 does not work for 10.4 clients - you have to upgrade the Server (not just the client) to Suitcase X1. Luckily, I had only upgraded one Mac - Suitcase X1 currently retails at around $1,299.