Are G5s Being Released at MWSF in Jan?

Well, it doesn't matter who is right about the LCD factory, lets wait for January 7th and we will all see what they release or not.
their LCDs are supposedly quite good (at least the high end ones). Apple invested a ton of money in Samsung right before the Cinema display came out.
I have to comment on this one... this is what I expect:

- LCD iMacs, most likely at the high-end to begin with
- New PowerMac G4 systems, although a single high-end G5 *MIGHT* appear
- iPod update? Probably
- I am almost tempted to say laptop revisions because of the new combo option, but I will hold off on this
- Possibly new prices on Cinema Displays
- Product update to MacOS X as well as another app, *OR* a new app *OR* a new small product.
I've noticed that a lot of people on here have 8600's, and I'm one of them, and I just have to say, isn't the 8600 one super bad ass computer? I mean, its almost 5 years old at this point, and yet its still completely usable, and if you bump up the RAM (which is dirt cheap) you can get amazing performance out of it, even with OS X, despite the relatively pokey 50MHz bus speed. I use mine for some pretty intensive photoshop work, ProTools work, not exactly "web n email" stuff. Is it as screaming as a Quicksilver? HELL no ... but to be fair, what are you doing with a 5 year old PC other than trying to get the folks at Goodwill to take it ;)?
Originally posted by thedbp
and if you bump up the RAM (which is dirt cheap) you can get amazing performance out of it, even with OS X, despite the relatively pokey 50MHz bus speed.

What? RAM for the 8600 DIRT CHEAP? Where, where? :)
I'd like some more :D
OWC sells 128MB DIMMs for under 30$ now. Ramjet still gouges, but there are a couple places like OWC charging REAL VALUE prices. I picked up 2 128s awhile back for 35$ a pop there, now the prices are even lower.

OWC is actually a nice place to get a bunch of things. I can get a decent Firewire (only 5400RPM, but sustained 25MB/sec transfer, fast enough for me) 60GB drive from them at a little over 200$.

They do produce their own 'brand', but that brand is top-notch. They sell it cheaper, as the higher profit margins on the other products that they sell, but don't produce can either help cover the cost, or heck, they just might be able to produce those suckers cheaper by shopping around for the parts.

Additional: Yeah, my 8600 is pretty useful, but without a CPU upgrade, it is nearing end-of-life pretty quickly. Diablo 2 is a tad slow for me, CVGS runs RPGs nicely, but not anything true realtime 3D... Terminus runs nicely. I could probably pull off Summoner no problem with a few dropped frames. But, I need something a little more powerful for my video editing. I am thinking a Dazzle A<->D Firewire bridge, and a TiBook 550. This 8600 is still good for amateur video editing and runs 10.1 fairly well, but it is still getting to its last legs for me. Considering the TiBook is now combo, it makes it cheaper on me (I spend an extra 100$ for the 550 model instead of 200$ for an external) and makes the idea of getting an external 60GB Firewire drive even more tempting. :)
If you are referring to the 8600 being good for 'assemblermania', it isn't. If you want to write Mac assembly, get a 68k machine. The PPC's design isn't the best for writing optimized code. The PPC's design makes it so that someone writing the compiler can make the compiler produce better code than the average assembly writer. There are a couple pros (that write the compilers usually) that can pull off just as good code, or better, but not often. The introduction of preferred branching and the CPU being able to work on mutiple instructions at once means that an assembly programmer has to do a lot of planning, planning that could be avoided by using C.

Let's get back on topic before we divert into lalaland, shall we? :)
Originally posted by Hervé Hinnekens
good for assemblermania

dude, you ARE the digital underground "freaks of the industry"

have ya ever seen that flick "Short Circuit?" Herve totally reminds me of Johnny 5.
Wow, this thread has changed topic prettymany times now, so let's go back to the G5 thing;
Nope, I doubt the G5 will be released at MWSF... but, maybe an Apple PDA?... :D