Are you a gamer?

Do you play any games on your mac?

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Yes, I'm definitely a gamer :D I don't know how many other threads I've blabbed on about gaming. Here are some games I've played a lot:

Mac OS X:
Brood War / Starcraft
The Sims
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2

soon Black & White will be added to this list.

Earlier Mac OS:
Diablo II
+ expansion for above
Warcraft II
All of the Marathons
You Don't Know Jack
Pit Droids

Playstation 2:
SSX Tricky
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3
Final Fantasy X

Nintendo GameCube
Super Monkey Ball
Rogue Leader
Super Smash Bros.

I'm not going to go into my n64 games, except to say my all time favorite game I played on it - Zelda, Ocarina of Time.
Oh, and here's my list, when I'm in the gaming mood:
-Escape Velocity
-Civilization II

We haven't seen a good, new game in years :(
Well, ksv... i can say your difficult in terms of games because Diablo 2 is good, and so are mmaaaaany other games! :o
ksv nailed it on the head with:

"PC gamers play more games than Mac users"

take a minute and work out why...

Mac users are a hell of a lot more creative. I use my Mac for Photoshop work, edit video, create DVD's, make my Uni coursework look sweet. All creative stuff. When I was 15 I'd play PStation all the time. I don't play many games any more.

I love Q3A. Done all levels NIGHTMARE!!! And I really enjoy AlienVsPredator but I hardly play them anymore.

I think Steve Jobs should leave the games market to the PC world and keep Macs as the creative platform. Professionals alike are mostly using Macs in the creative industry. Gaming is fun, but I can only play for an hour max (usual 20 mins) before I start to feel like I'm wasting my time.

I am not a gamer, but I enjoy playing games. The greatest, most adictive game ever is Maelstrom.
Well, first of, I am 15 :p

Second, if there were no more games for mac, i'd quickly switch to PC even though I hate their OS. They still have most of the games but the good ones finally come to mac..
Originally posted by MacLegacy
Well, first of, I am 15 :p

Second, if there were no more games for mac, i'd quickly switch to PC even though I hate their OS. They still have most of the games but the good ones finally come to mac..

So do you prodominatley have your Mac for games? What Mac(s) do you have? What creative stuff do you do. Why do you own a Mac instead of a PC?
Originally posted by alexachucarro
ksv nailed it on the head with:

"PC gamers play more games than Mac users"

take a minute and work out why...

Mac users are a hell of a lot more creative. I use my Mac for Photoshop work, edit video, create DVD's, make my Uni coursework look sweet. All creative stuff. When I was 15 I'd play PStation all the time. I don't play many games any more.

I love Q3A. Done all levels NIGHTMARE!!! And I really enjoy AlienVsPredator but I hardly play them anymore.

I think Steve Jobs should leave the games market to the PC world and keep Macs as the creative platform. Professionals alike are mostly using Macs in the creative industry. Gaming is fun, but I can only play for an hour max (usual 20 mins) before I start to feel like I'm wasting my time.

I am not a gamer, but I enjoy playing games. The greatest, most adictive game ever is Maelstrom.

Yeah, that's my opinion, too. Stevie should get rid of that new iMac, focus more on PowerMacs and make them cheaper (the powermacs are hella more expensive than an iMac if you compare features/specs, and that's really annoying. Apple is obviously mostly focusing on the iMacs, they are able to make them a lot cheaper 'cos they'll make that money on selling PowerMacs to the business market. For users like me, a pro user with a small budget, that's really annoying. The closest I have ever been to have a new computer was in late '99 when I had a new 300 MHz Powerlogix card to my PowerMac 8600, which I overclocked to 400 MHz. That computer is still the fastest I have...
Or, maybe Apple could release a MidMac, something between the iMac and the PowerMac, in a tower case where motherboard/CPU etc is easy accessible? :D

But, I have to disagree, Civilization II is the best game ever made ;)
Apple's reputation is tarnished enough by people thinking this is a design-only machine. It's not. Games play better on Mac OS than PC, and most of the major games come out on both platforms. Why would you want Apple to ignore that market? They've done so in the past and have seen a disaster with their profit results. Don't you want Apple increasing their market share?
Originally posted by Jadey
Games play better on Mac OS than PC, and most of the major games come out on both platforms.

I have to agree with that, I seem to have less (actually no) problems with playing any games on my system. I can play Quake III, Quake II, Rogue Spear and UT for hours and never see a crash, but I have friends that can't play some games for more than 5 minutes before their system locks up (and games seem to be the only thing that brings their PCs to their knees). I've seen them try a clean install of everything, and it seems to make no difference. I actually think that this is where Macs and game consoles share an advantage in their hardware/software compatibility. Sure you can go to almost any place and buy PC parts or even build your own, but that is no guarantee that everything is going to play nicely with each other.
Yeah, of course, but the macs shouldn't be gaming consoles, either, as Manic mentioned when he was on the boards. They should've been more upgradable, and apple should make processor upgrade cards themselves and licence the technology to do so to make up for the profit they would lose on such a change. Steve should think about that not all mac pro users have a salary of $ 85000000 a year :rolleyes:
I have to disagree with the people who say Apple shouldn't go for games. Not only is MacOS X a GREAT gaming platform (try Q3A, Q2 or Oni or other native OS X games), but you also don't have the hassle!
I bought Wolfenstein for the PC until it is released on the Mac, and I have different conditions on three PCs. On mine, I had to install a "Generic Soundblaster" Driver on my Soundblaster Live because it wouldn't run on my Sounblaster Live, my brother can't ran it at all, allthough he can run ANY other Quake 3-Engine powered games we have, and we tried EVERYTHING. My other brother can run it but can't connect to any server, and I can't track down the problem.

And I won't start what problems we have with MoH:AA!

Seriously, with the Mac, you just buy the game, install it, and you play it. It's nearly like a console, but it's a Mac ;)

And Apple has a market for games! Let's not forget that without games, the PC platform wouldn be where it is now. Without games, graphic boards like the GeForce 4 would be years away!
Originally posted by ulrik
Without games, graphic boards like the GeForce 4 would be years away!

If that is true, we would probably have had G6 processors by now if Apple focused more on creativity and professional systems :p

(no, that wasn't serious)
Originally posted by alexachucarro

So do you prodominatley have your Mac for games? What Mac(s) do you have? What creative stuff do you do. Why do you own a Mac instead of a PC?

Well, it's not my computer, it's the family's and I can't say I can run many games, it's a Power PC 8600 200 mhz upgraded to a G4 400 mhz , 352 mb ram but my video card is a dang ati rage orion (rage 128, 16 mb). But in the future, if there wouldn't be ANY good game for mac or if apple stopped support for games, I'd switch to PC because that's the thing I mostly do with computers,play games!! :D

I don't predominately have this mac for games since it's not mine but I predominately use it to play games, look at games websites, chat, email and surf the web in general.

When I will buy a computer later, it will definitely be a mac because I don't care about games if the OS that comes with the comp suxxors! (P.S: Win XP looks awful!!) Secondly, I cannot use OS X under this video card for some reason and I definitely want to have it later, it looks so nice and yet by the time I buy a computer, it will have improved a lot too.

I don't do much creative stuff because I have no need to, maybe only for fun I can draw something.. I used to design my website but I didn't have time to maintain it. :(

Why I use/will use a mac instead of a PC? Because the OS is much better,much more stable(OS X), the experience much more interesting, and macs can run games as well or even better than PCs!:cool:
Myth 1/2 (3 is total crap embarassment)
Doom II
Carmageddon II
Futurecop (this is one cool little arcade game, runs great on old Macs)
Lemmings (best game ever?)

Giants (gotta have a good machine to play this one smoothly)
X-Box games (sorry, couldn'y resist-Halo, Max Payne, Wreckless)
Diablo II (pretty addictive for a totally stupid game)

AOE (the rest of the world seems to think it's fun)
Neverwinternights (AKA-the marriage wrecker, should redefine games as we know it)
hehe, i dont use my iBook for games, but i do (from time 2 time) kick my GeForce 3 into action, on my PC...
UT (Network Games Rule!!! ..Good Job i have 2 PC's @ Home :D)
QIIIa (For wen UT LAN gets boring!!)
Championship Manager 2002 (What can i say, i'm a Footie Fan!!!)
Return 2 Castle Wolfenstein (How Cool?)
Operation Flashpoint (I Dunno if this is on Mac, too?! But it DAMN Well Shud be! this game is HOT!)

Umm... i don't often get time 2 play, but i do enjoy playing (on my PC) these kinda games. And i have 2 admit ... i Rarely have Problems with any of my games, on my Windows (hehe) XP Machine... (Isn't there a saying ... "Bad Workman, always blame their Tools!" LOL! j/k)

hmm.. how can i put this i have a pretty mean mac and all that power.. i wanna see what it can do.. but the lack of games made for the mac kinda !@#$%^ me off.. u know?

i heard wolfenstien kix..? WERE CAN I GEt A DEMO..? AND DOES IT RUN ON OSX?:D
I play on Mac and PCs... in no random order:

o Unreal Tournament - OSX, Win2K & Win98 (others kept screaming "Unfair Advantage" with my G4 on Lan Parties! :D )
o Unreal - Windows (the classic one)
o Tomb Raider Chronicles - Windows
o Need For Speed High Stakes - Win98
o Oni - Windows
o Star Trek Voyager Elite Force - Windows
o The Sims - Windows (hey, I need a no brainer ruin people's lifes game after a day doing Tech Support! lol)

Demo Versions of*:
o Alice - Mac
o Oni - Mac (just does not seem right to buy this game all over again after I beat it in Windows *sigh*)

(*note, I've played many other demos but didn't like them enough to play more than once and will not be listed here! :p )

Haven't been doing much gaming as of late tho... just can't find a good comfortable controller for the Mac, and I've been on a tight budget since being let go from my previous job so I refuse to buy any more games for the PC that are not at blow-out bargain specials (keep getting 'em at 15 - 25 bucks! sweet!) - there are just no such specials at my local computer store for Mac! :(

If only game developers would make more games cross-platform on the same CD I wouldn't be in this predicament! :p

Unreal Tournament was the only one I felt worth buying again to play on the Mac. And is my only real Mac game! :(