Are you a gamer?

Do you play any games on your mac?

  • Yes, I play games

  • No, not interested in gaming

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I used to be into games, mostly console though. I have a PlayStation and N64 with a lot of games in storage. Just no time for any of that anymore.

I do have several PC games that I used to play on my PC (Unreal Tournament, Duke Nukem 3D, Flight Simulator 98). I played these a lot back then.

But just for fun I do have some Mac games now. Otto Matic, Alice, 4x4 Evolution 2, Fly! II (sucks!), and can't forget good ol' MacMame.

I'd like to buy Unreal Tournament for Mac to try with the recent Mac OS X UT Betas but I think it's too expensive for such an old game, so I'll wait a while. It's still one of my favorite games, though.
Originally posted by MacLegacy
I used to play Avara at school on the old PowerPC 120mhz! :p

I look forward to try EV: Nova but I got bored pretty fast of Override!!
I prefer more complete games like Unreal Tournament, Tony Hawk 2, Summoner, etc.

i have been playing it for sevral weeks and i love it
:( I remember playing games. Then came college and the double major (CS and Film) and games are not an option.
Otto Matic
Myst III

That's about it. I'll play some of the shareware games out there from time to time, but I have a hard time paying for some of them for many reasons. For one, 640x480 screen resolution messes up my desktop later, beside being blurry. Also, the quality is sometimes amateur. Though I like some of Ambrosia's stuff, they sometimes have an 'unfinished' quality to their games that doesn't sit well with me.

I like playing Otto Matic, even though it is 3d. Myst III plays flawlessly on my iMac, and that is a big step up from the 'our program doesn't work because you don't have the latest card' of the windows world.
I don't play games just because I personally think they're a complete waste of time. Think about it: You're sitting there on your computer/console playing games for a couple of hours. After you're done, you've most likely beaten levels and/or the game. What now? Buy a new game ($$$)? You waste time and money playing games.
Originally posted by kainjow
I don't play games just because I personally think they're a complete waste of time. Think about it: You're sitting there on your computer/console playing games for a couple of hours. After you're done, you've most likely beaten levels and/or the game. What now? Buy a new game ($$$)? You waste time and money playing games.

I partially share your opinion. But what's really the point of life if not having fun? :)
I am not a gamer. There is always something better to do with my Mac (music, graphics, movies, etc.).

I am a gamer. My preferred genre is RPGs, and more recently, MMORPGs.

I am quite new to Mac (bought an iBook last month), so I haven't really played anything other than a few demos on it. I enjoyed Ambrosia's game demos alot, as well as Reckless Driving.

On the PC side, I have been addicted to Dark Age of Camelot for the last couple of months (go Gawaine Albion!). Now, if only they ported DAoC to Mac, I could ditch my PC altogether :)

I am a gamer. I am really into Starcraft right now, but I also play a lot of UT and Deus Ex. I'd like to try some somewhat recent games (Black and White, specifically), so I'm getting a nice $2,000 G4 this summer :D
Being a PC user it's funny to see how far Mac users are behind in the video game crowd.

Most of the games you're really into are old news for PC users who have since moved on to the latest and greatest.

No offense, just on observation. I've tried to find a good game to have on my PB to play when I'm on trips but have yet to find one.

Tropico, Civilization III, SWGBattleground and so on don't seem to float my boat. I'm hoping Warcraft III will change that.

The only game I really play anymore is RTCWolfenstein on my PC. Usually late at night when I get home to wind me down before bed. I installed it on the PB and it's ok, the LCD doesn't have the color depth a CRT has and the images seem to tear as well.

*crosses his fingers for Warcraft III*

I'm going out of town tomorrow and would very much like something to play on the 8 hour plane ride.
I'm not a gamer but I sometimes play StarCraft (brood war) and I used to play Oni and Age of Empires every once in a while.
I play some shoot games (Quake III, Unreal Tournament), some stragey games (StarCraft, Warcraft II, I hope Warcraft III one day).

Some little games I went through as a game addict: Burning Rubber / Reckless Driving, Maelstrom, Dirt Bike. TheZone, too.

I voted Yes, remembering the old days on my Performa, being 13-year old, playing in Daddy's office to Descent, Warcraft and Maelstrom.

PS: Youngs Modulus is almost a good game.
I've been a gamer as long as I can remember. I didn't make in time for the Atari or some of those real classics but I did/do have a NES, Sega Genesis along w/ Sega CD, SNES, Sega Saturn, GBC, GBA, N64, PSX, PS 2, and GC. I've pretty much got to liking FPS and RTS games on the mac and then I have my PS 2 and GC for everything else :)

Games I've played on my various Macs:

Make Millions(Anyone remember this one? ;))

Translyvania(I think that's what it was called)

Number/Super/Word Munchers(ah the days of education in games! ;))

Math Blaster

Swamp Gas

Marathon 1 & 2

Prince of Persia 1

Doom 1

Might and Magic 2

Heroes of Might and Magic 1-3(This series rocks! It was the first turn based strategy game I played. Too bad 3 won't be carbonized :()

Sim City 2k

Sim Isle

Sim Tower

Yoot Tower

The Sims(haven't played any expansions though :()

Warcraft 2(My first RTS experience!)

Starcraft & BroodWar(This one is always fun to come back to!)

Diablo 1 & 2(I still play 2 on and off and one day I'll beat Hell mode)

Q3A & Q3F(I play Q3F most of the time cause it's f'ing awesome! Well if you get into class based CTF anyway ;))

UT & MultiCTF & WFUT(MCTF is mega fun even against the bots! WFUT is more class based CTF, but hardly anyone plays it anymore :()

BG 2(This one wasn't as fun as I thought it would be)

Alice(Got tired of walking that girl all over the place and finally just backed up my save and unistalled it cause it was taking too much space)

Elite Force(Good SP, bland MP)

And that's about it! Whew sorry for the long post. Personally I don't care about macs being behind PCs gamingwise most of the time since there's games that are just as good on the consoles. One day when I'm making enough money, I'm thinking about getting a gaming PC and then just using the mac for all my work needs.

Also I find games the best way for me to unwind after a long day of work during the summer. They're not a waste of time at all, and besides that there's not much else for me to do anyways besides browse the web and watch whatever crappy shows are on tv(no cable in my house unfortunately).
oh yes....

that is my one lament about the mac platform.

i do play:

Diablo II
Return to Castle Wolfenstein

I wish that there were more sports games like
NBA Live

And i wished i could play
Need for Speed III and later.
Lately I've found myself playing WAAAY too much Lineage (on both Mac and PC) but my real 'passion' is creating maps that use the Unreal engine.

Sad, but true... despite Mac being my platform of choice, when it comes to games (and making them), the peecee is the platform to do it on. *sigh*

tooting my own horn:
The maps that I make (though it's been a while) are Marathon map conversions for UT and two Marathon Mods.. Marathon|Rampancy and Marathon:Resurrection

Perhaps a few of you have played on my maps? FbDuality, FbEveryonesMortalButMe, FbMelatonin, and FbMorpfhine.... Those are the only ones that I've released (that I remember).

Games that I've played to death (or to my death):
Diablo II
Undying (pc)
Unreal (duh)
Unreal Tournament (duh)
Wheel of Time (yeehaw! that's a great game)
Vampire: Masquerade
Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

Looking forward to:
Unreal Tournament 2003
Unreal 2
Duke Nukem Forever (wake me up when "it's done")
Lineage 2
Doom 3