are you one of MAC happy users?

My story of mac adoption is pretty interesting(for some of you at least). I got into computers as an early teen(i'm 20 now) and i eventually got out of highschool and decided to get a job at a local pc company. I then built, repaired and owned several...SEVERAL windows and *nix machines. From servers, to laptops, to the Hp/Compaq crapboxes that customers have loaded with spyware. At this point I acquired a PowerMac 7200 while working there. I tinkered around with it, it was really slow...and laggy, and crappy and it was loaded with Os 7.5 i believe. However I liked my experience with it, since it was "something different". I eventually went to the Apple store that opened up in Boston and went browsing, all at once I fell in love with this 14 inch iBook i'm currently typing this message on. I actually fell in love with the whole line of Apple products. I bought myself the iBook and an iPod the same day and it changed my perception of computing all together.

I'm a certified MSCE, MSCA, A+, Network+, etc....but god...I LOVE coming home to my iBook(soon a G5 hopefully) and just relaxing. I don't have to worry about "reformatting it" to keep it in tip top shape. I don't have to worry about viruses, I don't have to worry about some wierd glitch with product activation and windows XP not starting up for me. It's just worry free computing whenever I use my iBook. Sure...I still work on Windows machines as a career, fixing them all day, rebuilding them, upgrading them..fixing windows problems, cleaning out viruses, installing windows 15 times a day....but there is no way to describe the feeling I get when i come home and see my windows and Linux machines(one of which i built myself, with cool blue lights and all the latest hardware a little while ago) and just pass them by and go straight for my iBook because I know it'll work.

Some of you may say... "well you should have setup a nice linux machine instead of windows" My answer to that is that i'm not a programmer and to get a linux distro working you HAVE to know what you are doingand also there is not one linux window server/desktop GUI that operates nearly as smooth or hassle free as OS X does...none...thank you apple for opening my eyes to a whole different world of computing that I never even knew about..or maybe i was just in denial. I'm a true to life switcher and I enjoy every second I have with my Mac. :)
I had two macs a 5260 and a 460 when I came here.(460 died) I wanted to buy an iMac and I never got it. I got an iBook instead. The most exciting part of my iBook is that I have now Jaguar instead of being a 100%windows user. Other macbloggers already got Panther. Everyone here is thinking that Claudia Kroes means girl. It is flemish for 'katin'(poes) a female European shorthair cat(common) with red hair. The legend about her is that she had X with a boy. ::evil:: In The Netherlands they have Tom Poes, a dutch male cat.
tree said:
In The Netherlands they have Tom Poes, a dutch male cat.
For those curious about this dutch cat:


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i'm a happy Mac user... I had a hard time in the begining of the 90's with the end of the Mac II era... many bug (not as much as on W 3.11, but still many) and quite slow machines.... these times are over and very have now very responsive and stable machines.
I've used mac's ever since I was a baby - never even thought about using a windows computer except for at school where I can play halo all through class.