At what time MacWorld starts at your place?!

Here you are: Netherlands: 6 PM :D

The nice thing about living in Europe is, that I can see changing the Apple site live, if I want.
But about the keynote, it won't matter :p

He Starscream,

Ik denk dat je Den Haag met 'ue' schrijft ipv 'eu'!
I think that The Hague is written with 'ue' instead of 'eu'!

Ik woon in de buurt van Amersfoort :D
I live in the neighbourhood of Amersfoort :D

AppleWatcher :D:p
The keynote is at 12:00 here in New York so i should be at school then, sleeping on my chemistry desk, but since we are supposed to get almost 1 foot of snow tonight it should get canceled!

You guys better get ready early because im going to try and get onto Apple's webcast 3 hours early.

Imagine only being able to get a audio feed and not being able to see the products.....:cool:
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
The keynote is at 12:00 here in New York so i should be at school then, sleeping on my chemistry desk, but since we are supposed to get almost 1 foot of snow tonight it should get canceled!

You guys better get ready early because im going to try and get onto Apple's webcast 3 hours early.

Imagine only being able to get a audio feed and not being able to see the products.....:cool:

Yeww, yeah, I'll connect at once when the broadcast is on :p :D ;) hehe

:D :D :D
Ja nu je het zegt Je schrijft met ue The Hague , Mijn Engels is een beetje erg roestig

( for the english people : "My english is a little bit too rusty " )

Cool dat je ook in Nederland woont :D, heb je ook MXstream ??:D :eek: :o
hey simx... where are you gonna be sitting... i'll be there! i'll run over all those other people just to get a front row seat!

when i said 12:00, that's what time it will be broadcasting in Ohio... but since i'll be there... 9:00!!!!!! YAY!!!
I dunno where I'll be, but I'm going to try to get up there at 7:30 AM. Last year I got up there at 8:30 AM, and I _barely_ got into the keynote -- I didn't even get a seat.
more like this...

Who gives a shit about the Warcraft 3 Beta signup... MACWORLD EXPO IS TOMORROW!!

simX... i'll get there at 6 if i have to... i want front row!
Originally posted by simX
My gosh. So many of you are so far away from Apple HQ. Poor people, how can you stand being so far away from all the fun? :D

Keynote starts at 9 AM for me! And I'll be sitting in one of those rows. ;)

Yep, 9am for me too... except that I waited to late to get my pass so I'm going to be there REAL early to get in that line....

I'll first have to wait in the line to get my pass (which did not open until 8 last year), which will put me darn near the end of the keynote line. I stupidly did the same thing last year and ended up in the "sattelite" room where we had to watch Steve on a big video screen.
denn soldeschd du kaafe DSL

You see, speak bad german and it sounds like the language above (Netherlands???) ;)
Jeg, for min del, har en 704 kbit ADSL-linje, så jeg håper og tror og at jeg kan få rimelig god kvalitet på keynote'en. Jeg skal koble meg til i god tid før det starter, for å være sikker på å være en av de første, og få god kvalitet ;)

Heh heh, beat that! :D :D :D