ATA 133 card in G4

Neal Colingham

This weekend I installed a 133 ATA PCI card in my G4 (Digitl Audio) to support my new 200 gig drive. I have my 80 as master and the 200 as slave and both are connected to the new board. This config works fine but when I run System Profiler it shows both drives as SCSI drives does anyone know if this is a bug in the profiler ?. Both drives are ATA the 80 is an IBM Travelstar and the 200 is a Seagate.
Maybe the PCI card is reporting as a SCSI controller, or maybe it assumes anything running from a PCI controller is scsi?

Do you find the system runs any slower or faster, with everything having to go through the PCI bus (which i beleive is 66mhz, 66mbps, the same peak as the onboard ata controller.
I've done the same basic set up as you have done on my Quicksilver 2002 G4 and my system profile reports my ATA drives attached to my ATA 133 PCI card as SCSI. I'm running Panther. Everything here works great so I don't worry about it at all.
Most ATA controller cards will report as SCSI (and any attached drives as SCSI). It's normal; don't worry about it.
Thanks for the replys, I don't notice a slowdown, tonight I think I will connect the 80 to the System board and just have the 200 on the ATA card.
I will make a note if I think there is a speed increase/decrease and post the results.

If you installed the Sonnet ATA 133 card, and you've got the most recent firmware installed on the card, then the drives will report as SCSI. I've got the ATA/100 card, and the drives used to show up as separate volumes in the ATA category, but since upgrading to firmware 4.0.0, they show up as SCSI. It's a known glitch, but it's harmless.

The card and drives won't go any faster or slower than they would had they shown up in the ATA category.
On a different note since switching both drives to the ATA card when I reboot I get a alnernating blinking folder/question mark and Mac OS Face this lasts for about 5 seconds then the computer displays the Apple and restarts. Are you seeing this behavoir ?
No, I don't have that...

Make sure there IS a startup disk selected in the Startup Disk System Preference pane. This happens when you DO have a bootable disk installed but no Startup Disk is selected. It may have gone blank in there when you switched the drives, since the path to the old Startup Disk is different now.