Auto upper case first character on line-not wanted


Text Expander Has Auto Capitalization Feature
I Turned it Off.
This is a strange behavior might be caused by some Firefox [version 3.6.25] setting or a Firefox add-on setting. Or maybe by some setting of LION. What can I do to find out and eliminate this problem? OSX 10.7.2 LION. Apple USB keyboard.

If I type the string " anystring" or "anyotherstring"at the beginning of a line it gets changed to Anystring or Anyotherstring. If I delete-left to the beginning of the line, I can type anystring and get anystring.

This happens filling in username or password or ALMOST anything on any web page, at beginning of line ONLY.

In this editor where I am now typing, if I end a line with CR/LF, the first character in the next line will be UPPERCASE.
If I delete to the beginning of that line the first letter is lowercase as I typed it.

Anything ................. I just typed this as "anything", all lower case.
anything ................. I typed "anything" and deleted back to the beginning of this line.Then I retyped "anything"

Edit: I am typing this line [using the EDIT feature] after I posted the question. I am using now using Safari
Anything is what the editor saw but I typed it with all lowercase characters as "anything". I think this rules out Firefox as the cause.
FYI: When I executed Safari, I had to re-login to the website.
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I believe it's a feature of Lion -- you may also have noticed that holding specific keys down now doesn't make them auto-repeat, and, instead, brings up a menu of alternate characters (much like on the iPhone and iPad).

Some users report that TextExpander can be responsible for this. Are you using TextExpander?
Yes I am running Text Expander.
Yes I turned it off and problem went away.

After you suggested Text Expander was possible cause:
A search of the inet gave me a hint to cause of problem .
Text Expander is source of problem.
It has auto capitalization feature.
I turned that feature off.
Many thanks.
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