Automating Execution of MP4 files (such as used for training videos)


How can I automate the execution of each MP 4 file used typically in training videos?
I use Quick Time to play the files now, but I have to click on each one, then click on the play arrow. When the file has completed playing, I have to close it manually. The files typically look like this
Chapter 1
File 1
File 2
File 3
File n
Chapter 2
File 1
File 2
File 3
File n
Chapter n
There is no OSX app that comes with the MP4 files. Video was only setup for playing with Windows.
IS THE ONLY WAY TO DO THIS TO USE Automator or such? It isn't obvious to me how to record each manual action.?
Is there an APP that can drive this?
Environment- OSX 10.9.3 USING MOUSE.
It's a bit kludgy and requires a bit of setup, but using VLC Media Player ( along with a little manual editing of playlists should work.

1) Download VideoLAN from the link above and install it
2) Create your playlist in VideoLAN from the movie files you want
3) Follow these instructions next:

Still on the lookout for an easier way to do it, but that might get you rolling.

The method above will allow you to play videos back-to-back, with a 2+ hour pause between them, requiring you to play the next video in line by pressing the "next" hotkey in VLC (I assume you want to play a video, then perhaps have it pause when it's over in order to talk a bit, then play the next video, talk a bit, etc.).

If you just want to play the videos back-to-back, then all you need is VLC and you're ready to create a playlist that plays the videos back-to-back without interruption.

VLC will play most any video file you throw at it, including some formats that even Apple's QuickTime won't play.

If you can provide greater detail about the workflow you're looking for (pause between videos? no pause between videos? manual control over playing videos? play in order? play out of order? etc.) we might be able to find a better and more fitting solution for you.