B&W G3 not seeing 2nd drive


Im a brand new Mac user..so forgive me if I ask what might appear to be some daft questions.

Running OSX Panther:
Inside my B&W G3 is a 2nd Hard drive, which is connected to a Turbo Max ATA 33 Ultra IDE PCI Card (AEC-6120 U/UF Rev 3.0)

The problem is this.
The main HD is 6gb. I have 450mb of space left on this as I am wanting to cross over to Mac full time..however space is an issue, and I want to use the 2nd drive as storage.

OSX does not see the 2nd drive, nor does it see the PCI card in the Profiler

Is there anything I have to do to get this to work?

Any help greatly appreciated
I've never heard of that PCI IDE card. Are you sure that it is in fact a Mac supported PCI IDE Card, or did you just buy a PC PCI IDE card, hook that up to your drive and your Mac, and it isn't seeing it. PC PCI IDE cards won't be recognized by the Mac. You have to get a Mac Supported PCI IDE Card in order for your Mac to see it and your second hard drive. You can find Mac supported drive controller cards and hard drives online here --> http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_D...CD Drives&Template=HardDrives/hdgui2_cfm.html
It's not a question of whether it's Macintosh-compatible -- it's a question of whether it's OS X compatible. Sounds like an older card since it's ATA/33, so OS X may not support it.
Either grab a new, supported card, or a new hard drive. I'd probably grab a new hard drive instead, since you can get a 120gb Seagate 7200rpm at Best Buy right now for around $80 ($130 minus $60 in mail-in rebates).
Yes some first generation B&W's will only support one drive internally.

He indicated that he's using a Turbo Max ATA 33 Ultra IDE PCI Card (AEC-6120 U/UF Rev 3.0), so that first generation B&W internal IDE limitation wouldn't have any effect on OSX seeing this card and the drive attached to it. He also indicated that the previous user used the card under OS9, but that is no guarantee that it would work with OSX. Check with the card manufacturer to determine if there are OSX drivers for it. If not, replace the card with one from OWC at the link in my first post. They sell IDE PCI Drive controller cards that are compatible with OSX.
I'm using a first gen B&W G3, I've had two hard drives in it since about a month after I got it. Never a problem, and they're both connected to the motherboard. I guess I've lucked out..

Incidentally, could it be a connector ordering problem? The colours on an IDE cable do matter:
Blue: The blue connector attaches to the host (motherboard or controller).
Gray: The gray connector in the middle of the cable goes to the slave drive (device 1) if there is one. If there's only a master drive, then it doesn't connect to anything
Black: The black connector is at the opposite end from the blue connector and goes to the master drive (device 0).
I had a problem with the "slave" setting on my G3 when I added a 40 GB disk. I don't remember how I solved it, but by playing with the slave selection on the 6 GB and the new disk, I was able to sort it out.

BTW I don't add a PCI card, I just bought a 2 disks cable and connected both to the motherboard.
Part of your problem is you've got the blue connector connected at the HD end, and the black one at the card end. As I said:
Blue goes to the computer
Black goes to the master
Grey goes to the slave if there is one

Notice that you've got it right on the HD that is recognized, and wrong on the one that isn't.

That still might not solve things, if your computer won't even see the card itself...
lol. My dad has this same exact problem/ card. I contacted the manufacturer, and it seems that card is not OS X compatible, but the version of it that is 66 instead of 33 works. So... get a new card. :-\
New controller (OWC store): $75 to $130
New Hard drive (120gb @ Best Buy): $80

I'd buy a new drive and forget about the controller...
Problem solved.
connected a dual IDE cable and it worked first time.
Woo hoo!

Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions
