M Moptop Registered Feb 4, 2006 #1 Ok, on a framed web site, I am trying to get a link to go to out of the framed page but when I click it it it goes to the targeted page but only in the frame it was in. What should I do? I am useing the a href= code.
Ok, on a framed web site, I am trying to get a link to go to out of the framed page but when I click it it it goes to the targeted page but only in the frame it was in. What should I do? I am useing the a href= code.
C ChrisB Registered Feb 4, 2006 #2 try adding <a href="website" target="_blank"> in to open up in a new page or <A href="website" target="_top"> to break the frames.
try adding <a href="website" target="_blank"> in to open up in a new page or <A href="website" target="_top"> to break the frames.
M Moptop Registered Feb 5, 2006 #4 Is it possible to have a link in one frame make another frame go somewhere? If so, how?
ElDiabloConCaca U.S.D.A. Prime Feb 5, 2006 #5 Yes, instead of target="_blank" just put target="name_of_frame" where "name_of_frame" is the name of the frame you want to load the page.
Yes, instead of target="_blank" just put target="name_of_frame" where "name_of_frame" is the name of the frame you want to load the page.