best ftp app?


Any thoughts on what is the best FTP application at the moment?
I'm thinking freeware/shareware btw.


I've been using it since the NEXTSTEP days. The interface is Finder-like making it nice even for people who have never used an FTP client before.
I like and use Transmit daily, but sometimes I fall back to my educationally-licensed Fetch 5.0 -- it seems Fetch is the "most compatible" for me... when Transmit fails to connect to a certain site, Fetch is always there to back me up. Not the most advanced FTP client in the world, but it gets the job done.

I've also used RBrowser and found it to be just as good as Transmit, if not better, but because I know Transmit inside and out I'm not ready to switch over to RBrowser just yet.
I've been using fetch. I'm a student so the price is hard to beat. Last I checked transmit cost money, and I can't fathom paying for ftp at this point.
kainjow said:

(shouldn't this topic be moved to "Mac OS X System & Mac Software"?)

Oops - sorry. You are quite correct, this post shouldn't gone here. Whats done is done though I guess.

Thanks for the tips so far:-)

Moved from Software & Web Programming to System & Software.

Transmit 3.x
cfleck said:
I only need 2 more people to complete an offer so I can get my free iPod!.

Hmm, you may not get it, Safari wouldn't load the page.

BTW Fetch is a great FTP program, haven't tried much else not even DreamWeavers inbuilt FTP
sirstaunch said:
Hmm, you may not get it, Safari wouldn't load the page.

BTW Fetch is a great FTP program, haven't tried much else not even DreamWeavers inbuilt FTP

It loads fine here. Go figure.
I use the FireFTP extension available for the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Freezes a bit but I don't use FTP too much and don't really feel like installing a new program.
I have used/owned Transmit since it was released and swear by it.

When I am doing a site, and have to use the built-in Dreamweaver FTP I am always reminded how much I love Transmit.