Best FTP software for OS X

Which FTP client do you prefer?

  • Terminal ftp, ncftp (free)

  • Fetch (25 USD, free for educational)

  • Transmit (29.95 USD)

  • RBrowser (lite version free, full version 35 USD)

  • Cyberduck (free)

  • Captain FTP (25 USD)

  • Fugu (free GUI wrapper for OpenSSH SFTP)

  • other... (specify)

Results are only viewable after voting.


I used to be a cute ftp and filezilla user on Windows. I tried cyberduck for OS X. It's a neat tool but it doesn't give the local machine files and remote machines file side by side. I have to open a finder window to transfer files.

Please advice which are the good (other) freeware tools available, does mac osx provide anything already?

If you're not TOO scared of the Terminal, get ncftp (client) installed. It's great and free. If you _are_ scared of the Terminal, my advice is to get Fetch 5. It's free if you're a student or teacher, btw. - and totally worth its price, if you have to pay for the license.
But I see that strangely, you want a "local" view in the FTP client. (I never understand that, since the Finder is a much better place to find the local stuff, since you optically know where things are... So Transmit might suit you better. Also RBrowser comes as a free version, might try that...
I second the vote for Transmit as the easiest, cleanest FTP client out there.

I can also recommend Fetch for basic, straightforward FTP functionality -- it's free for educational customers as well, whereas Transmit is not.
You can't second that vote, since I personally find FETCH to be the easiest, cleanest FTP client out there. ;)
fryke said:
You can't second that vote, since I personally find FETCH to be the easiest, cleanest FTP client out there. ;)
Okay then, I will second ElDiabloConCaca's recommendation of Transmit as being the easiest and cleanest FTP client out there for OS X.
fryke said:
You can't second that vote, since I personally find FETCH to be the easiest, cleanest FTP client out there. ;)
Oops -- read your post wrong! My mistake!

Well, while we're at it, can I fourth my own vote? :P
We should maybe have a poll... What should be the competitors in this poll? I'll add it later. So far I see:

- Terminal (ftp, ncftp...)
- Fetch
- Transmit
- RBrowser
- Cyberduck
Althought the best app is Transmit, it also costs $30. If you're looking for the best "Freeware" app, I'd go for RBrowser, which can be used for free for FTP (but not SFTP).
I really like Yummy FTP, its the only os x ftp client that comes close to the functionality i was getting on flashfxp on the windows side hasn't let me down yet and definitely worth the money IMO.
Cyberduck is a nice one - it's just not an FTP client. I use ftp or sftp in the terminal, as it's just quicker. However, Cyberduck is nice for those that don't want to use the terminal.

I prefer the ugliest SFTP client over the prettiest FTP client any day, as long as I have the choice to connect to an SFTP server. Fugu just ain't an FTP client, so I'm not sure why it's in the poll...