best Mac Tiger books + unix?


Hey, was wondering the best book to buy, or combination of books, so that i can learn ALL ins and outs of Tiger,including AL shortcuts, how to use automator, and also basic UNIX commands etc. so basicly a book or combo of books on Tiger, and the under the hood workings of it too.

hope ya can help !

kizandtango said:
Hey, was wondering the best book to buy, or combination of books, so that i can learn ALL ins and outs of Tiger,including AL shortcuts, how to use automator, and also basic UNIX commands etc. so basicly a book or combo of books on Tiger, and the under the hood workings of it too.

hope ya can help !


Now for some serious books to OS X and it's BSD core you need to mosey over to Oreilly Press.
I went for

"Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger" -Dave Taylor


"Mac OS X Tiger Pocket Guide" -Chuck Toporek

The reason I didn't go for the missing manual is simply casue it's to thick and I only need a good introduction.
The rest I'll figure out myself ;)