Best Political Leader

Best recent political leader

  • Benazir Bhutto

  • Ariel Sharon

  • Jacques Chirac

  • Tony Blair

  • Bill Clinton

  • Vladimir Putin

  • George Bush

  • Angela Merkel

  • John Howard

  • Hugo Chávez

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not me even though I usually vote Republication. I was disillusioned by the way the Republican Party treated Elizabeth Dole back in 1999. Now with the spineless silence on the antiquated immigration laws. I am now an official Independent.

In my older age I have come to realize that your local politician have far more control over you then national ones. So how political savvy kids today can even name their mayor and their national district representatives, all of them?
I believe that it's not so much knowing them as knowing what they're doing.

Of course, most "kids" don't know that either. I firmly believe we're in a steep intellectual decline here in America. The writing is on the wall.
Sheesh, is there a "None of the Above" option?!
Perhaps I should have phrased the poll as "Who is the least worst political leader out of the above"! ;)

In my older age I have come to realize that your local politician have far more control over you then national ones.
There's a lot of people in my neck of the woods that vote for local (county) politicians exactly on that basis.