Best web browser

Which web browser is the best?

  • Chimera

  • Mozilla

  • OmniWeb

  • Internet Explorer

  • Netscape Communicator

  • Other...

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I think Chimera will be sweet as early as .2 and not too much longer after that till it is the best. I'd like to use Mozilla more but spell checking and services are needed as well as Aqua. Omni has become my default browser.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Mozilla with the Modern theme rocks.

The app is very slow though, however the page loading is quite fast. I prefer Mozilla but I do miss antialiasing. Mozilla's download system also really sucks... WHEN IS CHIMERA 0.2 coming out? That WiLL be the best browser by far. When Chimera hits 1.0... oh, man.

I don't know about Chimera. 0.2 might rock, but Chimera's development team has said that it will probably be a lot slower, making it not much faster than OW. It seems like Chimera's getting slower, while OmniWeb and Mozilla are getting faster. I would probably use Chimera if it had support for all the standards, and it was STILL just as fast, but somehow I kind of doubt it will be.

Also, googolplex, can you post the link to that pinstripe theme, or at least post a link to the thread?



Thanks for the link.

I heard that Chimera would end up being half the speed, but that was a while ago. I guess it's gotten better since then. With this new information, I might use Chimera when it is more usable, but I don't know, I really love OmniWeb's interface. :)

Yes, I would have been the one who you might have heard that from, but they have done lots of optimizing and have cut it down drastically. I also have a *feeling* that some interface elements might change with chimera soon ("..feelings nothing more then feelings..." :D). Also once they have the core of the browser working properly they will switch their focus to the interface.
OK, from your various posts you definitely seem to know a LOT of stuff we don't about Chimera. So, do you have any idea of when 0.2 is coming out? Chimera's website has said "real soon now" for about a week now. What's taking so long? Can you say if it'll be anytime soon at all?

LOL 'cube you think Google is going to TELL you what he knows? He's been teasing us about it in another forum for weeks now :)

Just go with the info available on Chimera's main site, and see if Google actually turns out to be right :)
Actually I'm being perfectly honest with you. I dont know when it is going to be released. When I ask its the same answer to me. "When its ready". I have been told to keep hush hush about some things that I was told though... :)
Originally posted by Bluefusion
LOL 'cube you think Google is going to TELL you what he knows? He's been teasing us about it in another forum for weeks now :)

Just go with the info available on Chimera's main site, and see if Google actually turns out to be right :)

Well, I thought it was worth a shot. :)
There comes to be a point in the evening when it is no longer evening. It is morning. And I believe that 4:13 a.m. fully qualifies as morning.

So the phrase should be "I'm up earlier than you". Unless you're talking to a really old person. They don't sleep. They just pretend so that they fit in socially. But ever notice that they're up after everyone else, but still making waffles at 4:02 and berating everyone else for sleeping in?

I amuse myself. Now I will stop posting (at least to this thread) because I need to start making waffles...
Originally posted by Bluefusion
HA! I'm up later than you are, Cube. :P

Did I miss something? Is that like some great accomplishment or something? I thought you were always up later than me. I often get an E-mail from you right when you get up, meaning you either stayed up later or got up earlier. Whatever. This topic has gotten WAY OT now.
LOL yes it has.

Oh man, we were talking about web browsers? What?

See, the reason I said I'm up LATER not earlier was because I did not sleep AT ALL. So therefore, I'm still up later than you, as it's now 11:22 a.m. and I haven't gone to sleep yet. :P

Did that clear things up?
How many people actually *like* IE the best.

For the people who voted for it, don't you feel kind of 'dirty' using it :D
as a web designer and developer.... i like IE best. there. i said it.

i like the fact that what i code is going to behave largely the same on Mac IE as it does on windows IE... and the fact that it isnt netscape.

as for these third party browsers... how can you view Flash sites effectively with these things? I never can go to a flash site and expect Omniweb to show the Flash stuff reliably and i dont have the patience to watch mozilla crash and burn.

i guess im glad that there are choices out there, but for me, im sticking with IE.
IE is <b>slowwwww</b>!!! If you have 56K, it leaves white space when you try to scroll down in the middle of a download. I hate that! :mad:
FINALLY, back on topic.

I HATE IE. I used to use it whenever OmniWeb couldn't display a page right, but now I use Mozilla for that. I never use IE anymore (finally). Now all I need is a better version of AppleWorks so I don't have to use Word. :)

I wonder how many mac users actually use IE. It would be interesting to have a percentage. I really don't care what browser people use as long as they get rid of IE.

A standards compliant browser would be nice though...
I have to say that I still use IE for those times when I have to go to Stanford's online payment/grade access system, and for those other times when OmniWeb slows to a crawl.

Maybe I SHOULD download Mozilla and use it to replace IE for those times that I need it. I wonder if it would work with Stanford's online thingy..

Well, I'll wait 'til the 1.0 release anyway. It's close, right? :D
sim the code tree was frozen for 1.0 a few days ago. It should be coming soon. You should try it with that thing. So you can just say "to hell with you ms!". You'll feel much better :)