Got two questions here: first off, which do you think is the best wirelss router for Mac? Okay, I understand the Airport Extreme Base is good, blah, blah, I'm not looking to pay $129 right now for a router. So, what routers do you have and what experiences do you guys have with your routers?
Second, my Windows machine just has fast ethernet and I have 5 Mbps High Speed Internet, with Roadrunner down south in Texas, so would it make a difference if I switched to Gigabit ethernet on my Windows machine? Would I receive faster transfer speeds just by switching?
Second, my Windows machine just has fast ethernet and I have 5 Mbps High Speed Internet, with Roadrunner down south in Texas, so would it make a difference if I switched to Gigabit ethernet on my Windows machine? Would I receive faster transfer speeds just by switching?