Beyond the rumors sites. Way beyond

There definitely will be new software for the iPod to display text files, contacts and a calender.

A revision to the thing itself? I don't think so. They are selling too good.
this is what one guy said on the macrumors site discusion:

"I just went to my local Apple dealer in Amsterdam. Checking up the price for an iBook, he suddenly went silent and then said "strange, Apple is listing somethings called PowerPod, not yet available". I saw the listing myself. Wanting to put an order on one immediately, we tried to do that. However, the listing seems to have been an error as the product wasn't able to be ordered. The seller reloaded the listing, and the PowerPod on the list was gone. Apple is messing with us!

This all makes sense: We've got the iBook and the iMac, the PowerBook and the PowerMac. We've got the iPod.... and soon we will have the PowerPod!!

My guess is that the PowerPod will be the ultimate handheld!"

I don't know, might be pretty cool ey? Makes some sense anyway.
hearing all these comments.. where can I actually watch a stream of the keynote, or better yet on the television, as mentioned.

Do you see that, julguribye, on that (fake, of course) iWalk picture, the name isn't "iWalk", it's "iWålk"! :D

And, yeah, norwegian version of 10.2... shit, the build number should've been 6J41, I forgot that... hehe ;)
Actually, the close-to-GM version of multi-language 10.1 was out to testers BEFORE 5G64 was released... :) hehe

OK, OK, it was a joke...
I don't know, it could be real. Although it looks like it has more Sony design influences than Apple to me. It looks a little clunky for an apple design. If it is real, maybe sony or someone else is going in on it. If it's does all the things they're talking about on other sites, then I'd get one though.
I don't think so. This picture has been around since one week before the iPod was released, and now says the iWalk is WHITE, like the iPod...

I don't trust that site... :p
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
either one kick ass fake model, or one hell of a kick ass PDA i'm gonna buy..

If you don't see that that is FAKE,MANIPULATED,UNREAL you must have lived in a dark cave in the last 10 years and be halfblind. This picture has been discussed before too...The conclution was that is was fake (due to shadows, lightning, enviroment, etc.)
Spymac is trying to make attraction to get people to visit their site.
If Apple don't relase an "iWalk", SpyMac will probably continiue with their odd rumors tha Apple WILL relase it. LoL.

I don't think Apple will relase a PDA. That's what they have said officaly too. If they do, I think they will call it "PowerPod" as someone earlier said...look at this: iPod-PowerPod iMac-PowerMac iBook-PowerBook --It would make a perfect match:)
Originally posted by julguribye

If you don't see that that is FAKE,MANIPULATED,UNREAL you must have lived in a dark cave in the last 10 years and be halfblind. This picture has been discussed before too...The conclution was that is was fake (due to shadows, lightning, enviroment, etc.)
Spymac is trying to make attraction to get people to visit their site.
If Apple don't relase an "iWalk", SpyMac will probably continiue with their odd rumors tha Apple WILL relase it. LoL.

I don't think Apple will relase a PDA. That's what they have said officaly too. If they do, I think they will call it "PowerPod" as someone earlier said...look at this: iPod-PowerPod iMac-PowerMac iBook-PowerBook --It would make a perfect match

If you take a look at and login with iwalk5198/Xv74mS2 and you'll change your mind... there are movies there too, and all of them looks sooo real, so I doubt they're fake. Maaaaybe, but I don't think so ;)

It WOULD be cool with an Apple PDA (the iWalk), but I would much better like a flatpanel iMac for 999 $. THAT would be seriously cool :D
I think Apple should focus more on price...