wandering shadow
Just when I thought things were great with the update...
I just found out that 10.1 totally messed up many of the Unix commands during it's installation. It seems that it started to write the files, then just skipped to the next one. This left me with many commands that don't work. They seem to, you can write them into the terminal, but they don't give any messages back. My big clue was when I coudln't use gunzip to un-gzip a file.
These commands are just blank files on my system! I'll list them here, but they could be different for you guys:
in /usr/bin:
arch, at, atq, atrm, batch, c2ph, chfn, chgrp, chpass, chsh, cksum, compress, cpio, emacs, emacs-20.7, ex, flex, groups, gunzip, gzcat, gzip, hexdump, id, lex, machine, od, perl, perl5.6.0, pstruct, reset, sum, tset, uncompress, uptime, vi, view, w, whoami, zcat, zcmp, zdif
in /usr/sbin:
I don't know what happened. I had no errors reported to me whatsoever during the 10.1 install. I want to note that I bought the retail version, and I also installed the Dev Tools. I don't know if the Dev Tools did this or not. I'm in the process of fixing these things.
Other than trying out each and every command, you can check to see if you have this problem by typing this command into the terminal:
l /usr/bin/ | grep unknown | awk '{print $9}'
The messed up files got saved under the group unknown, and none of the others did, so for me this showed me which files this happened to. You may also want to check out /bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin.
Hopefully, this is something that only happened to me, but I thought I'd warn others of it just in case!
If it did happen to you, you can restore them using the terminal, but it's a long & slow process. You'll need to type the following command as root (or sudo) for each of the missing commands (you'll need to have the 10.1 Install/Update CD in):
gunzip -c /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ CD/System/Installer/Packages/*PACKAGE_NAME*.pax.gz | pax -r -s ',./usr/bin,/usr/bin/,' './usr/bin/*COMMAND_NAME*'
I had to download gzip (which includes gunzip) from www.gzip.org before I could even try to fix these things. Good thing make wasn't one of the broken files!
...it seems that my missing programs were in more than one package. I started with the Essentials.pax. It also seems that not every command from the pax file will get installed - some of them stay as empty files even after the re-install. I'm going to have to dig up my old 10.0 Install CD and hope that none of the commands were updated that much....
What a pain!
I just found out that 10.1 totally messed up many of the Unix commands during it's installation. It seems that it started to write the files, then just skipped to the next one. This left me with many commands that don't work. They seem to, you can write them into the terminal, but they don't give any messages back. My big clue was when I coudln't use gunzip to un-gzip a file.
These commands are just blank files on my system! I'll list them here, but they could be different for you guys:
in /usr/bin:
arch, at, atq, atrm, batch, c2ph, chfn, chgrp, chpass, chsh, cksum, compress, cpio, emacs, emacs-20.7, ex, flex, groups, gunzip, gzcat, gzip, hexdump, id, lex, machine, od, perl, perl5.6.0, pstruct, reset, sum, tset, uncompress, uptime, vi, view, w, whoami, zcat, zcmp, zdif
in /usr/sbin:
I don't know what happened. I had no errors reported to me whatsoever during the 10.1 install. I want to note that I bought the retail version, and I also installed the Dev Tools. I don't know if the Dev Tools did this or not. I'm in the process of fixing these things.
Other than trying out each and every command, you can check to see if you have this problem by typing this command into the terminal:
l /usr/bin/ | grep unknown | awk '{print $9}'
The messed up files got saved under the group unknown, and none of the others did, so for me this showed me which files this happened to. You may also want to check out /bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin.
Hopefully, this is something that only happened to me, but I thought I'd warn others of it just in case!
If it did happen to you, you can restore them using the terminal, but it's a long & slow process. You'll need to type the following command as root (or sudo) for each of the missing commands (you'll need to have the 10.1 Install/Update CD in):
gunzip -c /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ CD/System/Installer/Packages/*PACKAGE_NAME*.pax.gz | pax -r -s ',./usr/bin,/usr/bin/,' './usr/bin/*COMMAND_NAME*'
I had to download gzip (which includes gunzip) from www.gzip.org before I could even try to fix these things. Good thing make wasn't one of the broken files!
...it seems that my missing programs were in more than one package. I started with the Essentials.pax. It also seems that not every command from the pax file will get installed - some of them stay as empty files even after the re-install. I'm going to have to dig up my old 10.0 Install CD and hope that none of the commands were updated that much....
What a pain!