Bobw Passed Away

To say I'm shocked is an understatement. Bobw was an integral part of for as long as I've been here and to imagine it without him is very hard to do. His contributions to this community are amazing to say the least.

Thanks for all the hard work Bob. We'll miss you greatly. Rest in peace and Godspeed to you in that Macworld in the sky!
I'm stunned.... I just saw this and its devastating. Bob was ever helpful in his particularly dry way, clipped me round the ear when i was new and didn't know what i was doing, helped me when things went wrong. A great guy.

I'll miss you bob :(

[edit] I too would like to contribute to some flowers or something if i can.
If he didn't have one... i thought we all owe it to him... to offer one.

In memory of Bob Wood.

From all of US at


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This is truly one of the saddest things I have had to absorb in recent times. I've been a member of this community for over four years now, and in that time I myself, as well as thousands of others have benefited from the helpful advice bobw always had to offer. His contribution to this site will never be matched by anyone, and it's with great sadness that the Mac community has lost such an awesome fan.

I would like to send my deepest and best wishes to his friends and family, and hope that you can get through this hard time. We will always remember him. Rest in peace mate.
My condolences to his family to their loss. It is sad that we have lost such a great contributor to the community. I hope we can learn from Bobw and all the things he has shown us, that continue to make the Mac community a great one. Thanks Bobw. I shall miss you. Rest in peace. I am sure where you are, there is a super Mac waiting for you.
Funeral Details and Contribution Information has been posted to the original post of this thread, here is a link.
I really wish I could contribute, but I'm only 15 so I don't have payapal or a credit card
I have just sent out an email to 3013 unique members who Bob has helped through the personal support area. Hopefully, we will have a few more people stop in and say hello.
Bobw was my closest Friend for over 20 years
as was my Twin Brother befor me
i will say good by to him on Monday at the Funural Home , jim
Bobw was my closest Friend for over 20 years
as was my Twin Brother befor me
i will say good by to him on Monday at the Funural Home , jim
i just donated 100.00 to your web site in the name of Bobw aka Bob Wood my very best friend

i think he would have liked that , for over 20 years He was the BEST Friend i had i'll truly miss him , Jim aka