Bombing Britian


A reformed jihadist on a respectable news programme last night said that the recent bombing attempts in Scotland and England were not directly about British foreign policy (although he admits this may have some influence).

He asserted that radical Muslims believe that Britain should become a secular Islamic state. If the British can't be persuaded to change to one then they become legitimate targets for death squads.

He believed the night club in London was chosen in order to attack young women because in the eyes of the radical faithful women going out unchaperoned, drinking alcohol and cavorting with men (and not wearing a veil) is a crime that deserves nothing less than the death penalty.

Likewise, killing decadent tourists in an airport seems a reasonable punishment for their immoral lifestyles.

A good killing it seems sends a strong message to immoral Britain to mend its ways.

He finally recommended that British Imams be vetted and standards set up to ensure that the writings of the Holy Book are taught within the correct context in which they were originally written.

Footnote: The bombers at Glasgow Airport failed becuase they hadn't calculated how wide the doors in the terminal would open to allow them to drive their bomb laden jeep into the building. Bear in mind that one of them was a doctor.
We've had the Germans and the IRA and now it just seems these nutty bombers are the next lot to come along with there so called scare tactics to try and change the british way of life.

We've not helped the situation with letting a bunch of foreigners into the country and not having the ability to track the whereabouts of these people. So you could say we've not helped the situation were in now.
Now I'm all for helping the people in need but there comes a time when you must think well sod it and leave them to it.

I'm not a racist and I don't believe in any religion except for the temple of ROCK \0/
but I firmly believe religion has a hell of a lot of explaining to do!

Why the hell can't people just learn to live with each other and concentrate on getting on with there own lives. Life is short so lets just get on with living it.
Hmmm......MI5 busily at work, as usual?
Both the UK and the USA are Hell bent on transforming their respective countries into Fascist Police States and need to create pretexts for doing so; instill fear in the population, manipulate them, and thereby massage them into becoming easily compliant and accepting of ever more repressive and draconian laws and measures. Think "Reichstag Fire", implemented again and again in different forms.
Either remain asleep or wake up......the choice is entirely up to you!
Hmmm......MI5 busily at work, as usual?
Both the UK and the USA are Hell bent on transforming their respective countries into Fascist Police States and need to create pretexts for doing so; instill fear in the population, manipulate them, and thereby massage them into becoming easily compliant and accepting of ever more repressive and draconian laws and measures. Think "Reichstag Fire", implemented again and again in different forms.
Either remain asleep or wake up......the choice is entirely up to you!
Sorry dude, but I don't buy this conspiracy theory (at least not on this occasion).

Not that I don't think the "Establishment" are not potentially capable of such dastardly behaviour.
I was in London today. No one was even talking about it. I take a bigger risk driving the M25 orbital motorway every day.

As for reports that the Haymarket bomb was near the Apple Store in Regent Street.....It was a good half mile away. And the store was packed out when I went in this afternoon.
More people died driving on New Zealand roads (6 in total) over the weekend than those that died in terrorist attacks. Get some perspective. A war of motor vehicles is whats needed.
More people died driving on New Zealand roads (6 in total) over the weekend than those that died in terrorist attacks. Get some perspective. A war of motor vehicles is whats needed.
According to the World Health Organisation, the second biggest killer of children worldwide is now the motor car, so I take your point.