Boot Camp C:/ doesn't show full space.


So I successfully installed boot camp and everything, but now logged onto windows, when I look at my C:/ drive for bootcamp, it says only 4.47 GB of space is free.

Here's the pics of the problem...
Info on the Bootcamp drive...

grand total of whats in the drive...

Any help is appreciated, iv'e searched for answers to this but have found none.
I'm guessing you are not seeing all the windows hidden folders.
The various windows folders that are normally hidden might make up part of that. For example, mine shows 12 GB used on the C: drive in My Computer, and about 8 GB used in the visible folders on the C: drive. Then, there's about 4GB in the hidden Windows folders. I bet you will see the bulk of your space, if you boot to OS X, open the Windows hard drive, and Get Info on all the folders that you see there. When booted to OS X, I see 11 folders and files on the Windows drive, that are not visible when booted to Windows....
This is a fresh install of windows onto the 32GB drive though, no other documents are in that disk but all of the stuff for windows up to SP3. Why would others Partitioning only 15 GB still have the full 15Gb after the windows installation, while I can barely save 3GB after I set aside 32?
So you ran Disk Utility on your Windows partition, and it tells you that there is 22072336 KiB Bad? If I read that properly, that shows you have about 22 GB bad bytes on that 32 GB partition, with about 2.4 GiB free... That would explain what you see, as the bad blocks are not available for use.
That might mean that your hard drive is failing (big time with lots of bad blocks)
If you were running Windows on one partition, and on a standard PC, I would say that you should run the Windows disk maintenance routines. I suspect that there's something major wrong with that fat 32 partition, and there's too much of the drive that shows as bad. I will recommend that you run Boot Camp again, and choose to remove that partition. That will return your hard drive to the single Mac partition. Close Boot Camp, then reopen Boot Camp, and make a new partition. Reinstall Windows. You will lose everything on your Windows partition that you don't have backed up.
If the same thing happens again, consider replacing your hard drive.
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