Boot up without CD?


Is there a way to boot off of the Disk Image? Or, is their a way to install 10.1 without the CD? I have no CD burner and want to see if the 10.1 update crack works. I am running 9.2.1 right now. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
to boot your X10.1 from HARDDISK

1. copy all file from your CD or IMAGE file to a plain hardisk. the file must be in the root of the harddisk

for example: copy all your file to MACOSX[HARDDISK NAME]::

other structure remains the same.

2. use FILE BUDDY 6.1.6 OR ANY VERSION TO COPY THE HIDDEN FILE OF [volumes HFS+...] (something, can't remember. by default, copy all hidden files from the cdrom or image, remember to replace them!!!!)

3. choose [startup disk] to choose the MACOSX disk as the boot disk

4. when install, choose not to install BSD subsystem.

when finished, if you want, you can install the BSD subsystem later.

the whole installation time is 5 minutes. if install to UNIX file system, it takes 15 minutes.


good luck.
Just use apple system restore and drag the disk image over it. The only drawback to this is that you have to have an empty partition... or one that you don't mind erasing.

The software does the rest.

Open up the startup disk control panel and select your system folder that you just copied over.
What does "2. DON'T TRY TO INSTALL AT THE SAME PARTITION, YOU MUST INSTALL TO OTHER PARTITION." mean, as I am thinking of tring it. Also, whay can't you install the BSD sub-system?
"Just use apple system restore and drag the disk image over it. The only drawback to this is that you have to have an empty partition... or one that you don't mind erasing. The software does the rest. "

Hmmm... does not work for me. I mean, why would it? I have only spent over $500 trying to get the 10.1 update installed. Maybe I need to spend $1000. Hell, I might as well buy a new flippen Mac huh? Wish I had the money, too bad I have to pay my friend $500. What do you think? Where can I find this, "FILE BUDDY 6.1.6"?

Visit an Apple Authorized Service Provider in your area (CompUSA for example) and ask them if they have any 10.1 Update CD's they could give you. Explain your situation to them and see if they can help you out.

I'm assuming you didn't actually purchase Mac OS X. If you did, you could have used one of the three Proof of Purchase coupons to get the 10.1 upgrade CD for only 20 dollars through Apple, but that program ended a few days ago.

So now your only option is to hit up CompUSA or another Mac store for a 10.1 upgrade CD or find someone with a burner to burn a CD for you.
No Will, I own OS X, and I bought the 10.1 update cd right from Apple for $20. I cannot boot off of a CD, that is the problem. Oh yeah, I found File Buddy.
Ouch.. sorry for the accusation then. Didn't mean to be offensive.

So you're unable to boot off of ANY CD, or just the Mac OS X 10.1 Update CD?

If you can't boot from ANY CD, then you should try resetting your PRAM first, if that doesn't work, reset Open Firmware, and if that doesn't work, as a last resort, reset your PMU.

Try to be a little more specific with your question : ] Throw in details that might be helpful.

Sorry again.
"Didn't mean to be offensive."

No Problem :)

now, my real problem is:
I cannot boot off of any CD, from any system. I think something is wrong with the hardware, I do not know anything. How do I reset Open Firmware? and what does this do? Do I lose any information? Any dangers? What about restarting the PMU? I have never heard of that :)

"[volumes HFS+...] (something, can't remember." Is it: HFS+ Private Data? Should I copy all of the invisable files?
I copied all of the CD files onto a blank partition. I used file buddy to get invisible files on too. I even deleted the "CheckforOSX" file. I booted of of that system folder. The installer was running, I clicked OK a bunch of times for legel stuff, then I got to the part where you choose which partition you want to install on. I saw all 4 of my partitions, but they were grayed out ! Then I tryed clicking on one anyway, and it crashed. It fell back onto some UNIX crap, with the message: "press return to restart computer". Pressing return did not work, so I had to use the restart button. Does anyone know why the partitions are grayed out?
Ok.. now we're getting somewhere : ]

None of these steps will erase anything on your hard drive. The only "damage" it actually does is that it resets your date and time and your keyboard and mouse preferences. (Key repeat rate and mouse speed)
No big deal if you ask me...

First things first, reset PRAM. To do this, you need to shut down the computer, hold down Command-Option-P-R keys at the same time and turn on the computer. Now, you need to hold down these keys until the computer makes it's normal startup chime 3 times total. After the third chime, you can let go of those 4 keys. Then let the computer start up normally and attempt to boot the computer from the Mac OS X 10.1 upgrade CD again by restarting with the CD in the drive and holding down the "C" key. (Sorry if this sounds like I'm explaining it to a two year old, but just for my sake I'm going to assume you've never used a Macintosh before : )

Now, if you're still unable to boot from any CD, the next step is to reset Open Firmware. To do this, you would shut down the computer again and this time press and hold Command-Option-O-F and turn on the computer. This will bring you to a white screen that has a buncha jibberish about Open Firmware. From here you will type " reset-all ". Word for word, all lowercase, no spaces, no quotes. Typing this will restart your computer. Try to boot from a CD again. If you can't boot from the 10.1 upgrade CD, try another bootable CD.

If neither of these things work, the next step is to reset the PMU ( Power Management Unit ). The steps to do this is dependant on what kind of computer you have. Try resetting PRAM and Open Firmware first, and reply to this with what model of Mac you're using and I'll tell you exactly how to reset the PMU.

I hope this gets everything working properly.
I have a G4 400mhz. And, you do not need to shut down the Mac to zap the PRAM, all you have to do is restart and hold down the keys.
Well I know that and apparently you know that : ] But like I said, I'm just assuming that you know absolutely nothing about Macs and having you shut down completely before resetting PRAM or booting into Open Firmware is just to ensure that you get it right the first time : ] Again... no offense intended.

So you have a G4. To reset the PMU, you would first shut the computer down and disconnect the power cable from the computer. You would then actually open the computer and locate the internal lithium ion battery. It's a small battery inside the computer and it's kind of hard to miss. It's about half the size of a standard C battery. Once you've located this, there should be a small, round red or black button surrounded by a square of metal located somewhere near the lithium ion battery. When you've located this button, press and hold it down for 15 seconds. Make sure you only press it once. Pressing it more than once sometimes causes instances where the lithium ion battery is drained completely and your date and time get reset every time you restart the computer, along with some other settings... so only push it once! : ]
Missed something here, If you mount 10.1 disk, and open Install Mac OSX, what happens? More explanation about PMU operation (I'm only a tech) The PMU is always running when battery is installed, pressing reset should restart PMU chip. Don't press more than once as PMU can lock up totally. OR remove battery, press reset button to your heart's content. Then reinsert battery, and press reset button once only (restarts PMU). You must press button, PMU may not start on its own. Just don't press more than once without removing battery
" If you mount 10.1 disk, and open Install Mac OSX, what happens?"

It restarts, then tries to boot off of the CD, but I cannot boot off of a cd. it sits there with the Mac OS system folder, and a blinking question mark. Then it goes into 9.2.2
Any change when holding "C" key down with any bootup CD when restarting? (Try an OS9 startup CD if you have one)
So after resetting PRAM and Open Firmware, and trying to boot from a CD by restarting the computer manually and holding down the C key on startup still doesn't work?

btw.. resetting the PMU doesn't damage anything and doesn't erase any data on your hard drive. The only thing it does is reset the date and time and the keyboard and mouse settings.
I found the battery, but I am not sure where the red or black button is. I see 2 metal squares kind of near the battery, but they do not look like buttons. they are about 1/4 of in length. ???