Bootcamp Switchers

I have been wanting to switch for a year or two, but use some proprietary website building software that only has a Wintel version. I just ordered a iMAC Intel 24" with glee. I will be able to learn Mac OS X, have a MUCH more stable machine, and still be able to run the 2 windows programs I need for work. And as soon as I find Mac equivalent software for them then the Parallels software is toast. What will I do with all the time i save by not having to trouble shoot that pile of patches called Windows. And to think I went to the dark side after starting with an Apple 1 (breadboard), which is in a box in the Attic, then Apple 2 & 2E. I think my downfall was the Lisa, I was so dis-enchanted I went over to Windows 3.1. Now I'm Back for good.
I have a 17 inch WinXp notebook and just wanted something smaller and easier to lug. Most of us when we travel really only use a web browser and the Microsoft Suite of apps. When I saw a MAC running Parallels I said, "gee, I could take the few other apps I need should I need them." Then saw boot camp and realize it was the ONLY app that non destructively allowed you to partition a MacBook...a whole nuther issue. Then realized that I could move all contacts over...use web applications instead of real apps....hmmmm. And saw that the MacBook networked faster than any PC notebook. And booted up faster. So, Bootcamp was the excuse to get this neat travel companion.

Which brings up a question...anyone know of any true "image software" for a MAC..not copying...IMAGING just like Acronis True Image or Ghost. How the heck is that done on a Mac?
i think he means for something the updates regularly like SuperDuper.

Note: If you are coming over to OS X stay FAR away from discontinued products. IMHO all that company's products do nothing but give headaches to OS X users. Look for the alternatives please.
As I stood there in the Mac Store asking questions and more questions about the capabilities of the MBP he finally showed me bootcamp and parallels. I was sold on the spot. There are not more worries about that one integral program in Windows that just wont work on Mac. Now if I could just get vista to boot on bootcamp
I didn't switch because of bootcamp because I am already a Mac user. Which brings me to the reason I am posting here. I like how most people missed the hidden meaning of "bootcamp". You boot into Windows to train and when you enter the real world you use Mac OS X.

But the problem is people spend too much time in bootcamp and won't step up to the plate. Some people go AWOL and switch back to PC. ::ha::
Eventually you will get rid of Windows and find a comparable or better application for Mac OS X. It will take time but I hope you too will get out of bootcamp. ;)