BootCamp Wireless Disconnection problem


Hello everyone,

I noticed a issue with my Boot Camp Window Xp SP2 wireless issue. It very annoy while running Bittorrent or playing MMO game with it.

I doubt it my router problem because my OSX can keep connected to it the whole time. but in Window side, different story. it Boot Camp 0.1.4, with all latest update with Apple and MS too.
Check the Window's NetWork Properties on the card and driver. If it is XP Home then blame Windows because XP Home networking is IMHO problematic. XP Professional seems to have much better and steady networking then XP Home.
omg.. i thought i am using Xp Pro.... (i used to have Xp Pro before i got a mac)

Now i can smack my IT neighbor in the head for telling me to get Home. he told me there is no difference between Pro and Home for playing a game. Now where that nice thick XP manual book, so i can smack him really hard for giving me a bad advice.

I hope Frys store still have those Xp Pro upgrade OEM....

But is it really comfirmed it the Home issue? upgrading to Pro will fix it?