Booting on install disk usind the "c" key doesn't work


I've been trying to install XP using boot camp, but when i try to partition the disk i get an error message saying disk needs to be repaired using the installation disk of mac os x, i've tried using the application under os x to repair the disk but i still get the error message, so i when i try to boot with the disk by pressing the "c" key nothing happens and the computer boots normally... I have no clue why it does that and i need some help

Thank you for your time
Are you pressing the 'c' key, or are you holding it down? You need to hold the 'c' key down from the time you press the power button on the computer (or you restart it) until the time that the system boots.
Insert the Mac OS X install disc, restart and hold down alt/option - you should be able to select the install DVD from the list.
Of course, I've also tried that out, the only disk that appears when I do that is the macintosh hd drive,

I've also visited the system preferences, I can't set it to boot from there because the dvd still doesn't appear in the different choices...
Is the disk that you are trying to boot from - the original installer disk that came with your intel Mac? Can you tell us what the label on that disk says, particularly the OS X version? Should be a grey DVD, disk #1? What else is on the label?
Does the surface of the disk appear undamaged?
Can you boot to other bootable disks?
The disk is "Mac Os X Tiger Install dvd Version 10.4.3. It includes Xcode 2 the disk is black with a big X on it
The thing is, the cd is detected once under mac os and i can access it, i just can't boot from it, I'll try using another disk to see if this is general or particular to the disk, besides, it doesn't look particularily damaged.
So... that's not the disk that was included with your computer? Is it the disk that you installed Tiger from?

Just a note: you cannot boot a Mac system with a Mac OS X Install CD/DVD that is a version of Mac OS X that is older than what your system originally shipped with. For example, if your system originally shipped with Mac OS X 10.4.8 on it, you cannot use a Mac OS X Install CD/DVD with version 10.4.6 to boot your system.
This thread started with reference to trying to setup a Windows partition through Boot Camp. That software will no longer work with Tiger, and you will need a Leopard disk to work with Boot Camp. There is no 10.4.x installer that will boot and install an Intel Mac, except the disk that originally shipped with your Mac. The disk will be grey, and not black. You will need to find your original disks. The black disk that you are trying will ONLY boot from a PPC Mac, which also can't run Boot Camp, BTW. So, you are missing several important parts of the puzzle. Mostly, you need your original disks. - and they won't get you going with Boot Camp on Tiger, as that has expired since Leopard was released last year....