Hidden Gekko
3 Years and 100 Posts 0_o
Today I bought a 120 GB hard drive and successfully installed it into my G4. I intailized it and it works fine. So what are some options I have to do with it? I really don't know much about hard drives, I'm pretty much a n00b when it comes to hardware stuff.
Right now, its acting like a big zip disk, with nothing on it unless I add something.
Should I install 10.3 on it? Is there anything cool I can do with it otherwise? And what's RAID (heard the term before, don't really know what it does). Any easy way to 'add' the 120 GB to my existing 80 GB (I'm pretty sure this is possible by 'splitting' and 'sharing' the data between the two drives...)
yeah, so gimme the skinny on this sorta stuff
Right now, its acting like a big zip disk, with nothing on it unless I add something.
Should I install 10.3 on it? Is there anything cool I can do with it otherwise? And what's RAID (heard the term before, don't really know what it does). Any easy way to 'add' the 120 GB to my existing 80 GB (I'm pretty sure this is possible by 'splitting' and 'sharing' the data between the two drives...)
yeah, so gimme the skinny on this sorta stuff