Bringing back old Ad campaign?


Universal Traveler
Has anyone else noticed the Apple has a (new?) Think Different Ad on their website? I know it's nothin big, but it's interesing noneteless.
Where? Are you talking the Gregory Hines one? I don't think that's an ad -- rather, a tribute to the late great since he passed recently.
Yeah, if you click on that picture you get a small biography of him, though it doesn't say what killed him (probably cancer, if I had to guess). It's also listed under "Hot News," not "Switch," so they're probably adding him to the Think Different Hall of Fame, not capitalizing on his death. That would be so wrong.
They've been doing this ever since the Think Different campaign... When someone great (in their opinion, not that I disagree, but still, they choose and didn't pay tribute to Barry White recently...) dies, they show such a black banner... I think it's a nice idea, although one has to question it, too... I'd rather see the Think Different ad on TV again. A new one, maybe, with different people.
Originally posted by fryke
They've been doing this ever since the Think Different campaign... When someone great (in their opinion, not that I disagree, but still, they choose and didn't pay tribute to Barry White recently...) dies, they show such a black banner... I think it's a nice idea, although one has to question it, too... I'd rather see the Think Different ad on TV again. A new one, maybe, with different people.

Was Barry White a Mac user also??
Barry White was in that one commercial, with Smash Mouth and a ton of other musicians. I think it was in the "Rip. Mix. Burn." era.
i rememeber that, that was a decent ad, my only problem with that one is that it is almost an ad for cd burners and software like that(iTunes) , and not really a mac only thing...something along those lines i guess
It doesn't matter whether the late great person was a Mac user or not... Apple just likes to highlight and remember people who were different thinkers. It just so happens that some of them did use Macintosh computers.

...and yes, it was cancer.
I'd love to see a Radiohead commercial for Apple....or Ming + FS (they're the concept electronic musicians who were in the Nissan Altima commercial, who made the music out of sound effects recorded from the car...they recorded the sound of slamming the door, starting the engine, the turn signals, etc, and mixed it into a GREAT song...and they're hardcore mac users)...thats be a great think different campaign.
Yes, the more I'm thinking about this, the more I feel they should've remembered Barry the same way. Didn't even think of that rip-mix-burn ad he was in...
Yeah, for a few days at least after Barry White died, the main page at the iTunes Apple Store had a banner with his picture on it, and the banner led to his artist page with a short biography.

I guess Apple thought (correctly) that a tribute on the iMS would be better than a tribute on the Apple Website. Gregory Hines wouldn't make much sense on the iMS because he only has credits on a few tracks, all of which are primarily Luther Vandross recordings.
i loved the think different campaign, when i was in NYC there were a bunch of those huge apple banners on the water, (in or around battery park i think,)