BT mouse reconnect??


Recently I obtained an Apple BT keyboard and a Kensington BT pocketmouse. After install they worked perfectly: I could wake up my G5 by moving the mouse &c. :cool:
However after installing the Keyspan USB twin serial adapter SW the Kensington BT mouse does not reconnect automatically anymore. Each time when I log on I must take the old USB mouse to do the reinstall of the BT one. The function of the BT mouse is otherwise as it should be. I guess there has been set a SW"switch" somewhere by the Kensington SW, but I have no idea where to start looking... :(
Any suggestions?

BTW: I am running MacOS X version 10.3.7 on a dual G5 2GHZ with 2GB RAM and KensingtonMouseDriver version 2.5.1r1 (and I need the serial adapter for my old trusty Z88).
which Bluetooth adapter are you using? or is it the Apple-installed internal bluetooth module?
Is the USB Bluetooth module plugged directly into the computer, or attached to an external USB hub?
Will the mouse reconnect if you simply unplug the Keyspan serial adapter?
It is the internal BT module and it doesn't matter whether the Keyspan serial adapter is unplugged or not...
Does the BlueTooth mouse work again after uninstalling the Keyspan software? You may end up using the Kensington OR the Keyspan, and not both at the same time.
To follow up: it cured itself? Dunno what caused the problem, but it disappeared spontaneously. :p