Build a website

Mary Jo

I am a new mac user and am wondering if my osx comes with software to develop a website ( like frontpage). Also, is there an ftp program? Thanks.

~Mary Jo
There are also some free and open source solutions you can use.

There's KompoZer for web page creation and it will upload any HTML documents you create to the sites you've added in Site Manager using FTP.

However, if you also need a separate FTP client for your needs, CyberDuck has always been good to me.

Though I haven't used iWeb, it is supposed to be very intuitive from what I've heard. Very easy to lay out graphics and text.
You should have iLife if youve just bought a new Mac. As part of iLife is an application called iWeb. This works well.

FTP programs are numerous. Fetch works well though
Back when I switched to Mac from MS Windows, I used a free app called NVU which successfully loaded and ported over my website which I had built in Windows using Front Page.
This app has FTP website management built in.

jb .
Don't forget you can learn html and css by viewing Source code on any website you visit. Then you'll be hand-coding your own websites which is a much better way to do it.

I started in Dreamweaver, then ditched it and have never looked back since. :) Good luck!

Transmit is a great ftp program. You can even change file names on the server from within the app (a relatively new feature) and it works with apple's iWeb service all while providing the 'mac experience':
To extend on what Mr_Spencer said, yes, FTP is built-in to the OS X Finder, but it is read-only -- meaning if you need to upload files to an FTP server, you cannot do that through the Finder's FTP implementation. You'll have to use a 3rd-party FTP program, or the command-line.
Back when I switched to Mac from MS Windows, I used a free app called NVU which successfully loaded and ported over my website which I had built in Windows using Front Page.
This app has FTP website management built in.

jb .

KompoZer is basically an unofficial updated version of Nvu. As a matter of fact, Nvu development has not advanced much since 2005. KompoZer has all of the features of Nvu along with some extra features added on. I have also found it to be more stable than Nvu.