Burn CD


I am trying to burn a text folder to a CD. I have an IMAC with OS 10.5.8, I have a correct burn folder on the desktop. I also have an untitled CD icon on the desktop (However Finder does not show a CD disk drive). When I try to use Disk Utility to burn the Burn Folder to the CD I get an error saying the the CD does not have enough space. (Burn Folder is 1.09 GB, CD is empty). Do I need to prepare the CD in some way in order to use it?

Marion Deckert
There's nothing you can do that will let you put 1.09 GB of data on one CD, which normally will not hold more than 700 MB. Use a DVD - or + R, which can hold more than 4 GB.
Or, you can use software that will allow you to split the data across several CDs.
Thanks much for the reply -- I am properly embarassed.

But I still have one question. I am using a Memorex -rw CD with a 700 mg rating. I have a Burn Folder of 16.5 mg. When I turn it to a read/write Burn Folder.dmg it is 27.4 mg. When I burn this .dmg onto my blank disk, checking "Leave disk appendable", I only have 2.2 mg available on the CD. Am I doing something wrong? Where has all the mgs gone?

Marion Deckert
I suppose that might mean that you have already burned some data to that CD-RW ?
Is this a disk that you have used before?

If you don't have anything else on that CD-RW, you could try erasing that disk first in your Disk Utility. That would clear it off completely to start.

I think CD-RWs are too easy to damage when reused, and I don't use them at all - just my opinion.. :D