Burning Documents to CD


When I use the "Select All" in Documents from the menu and attempt to drag all my documents to a CD, a stop sign appears. Yet, if I try to drag one document or folder at a time to the CD there's no problem. How do I manage to burn a CD containing all my documents since the select all option doesn't seem to work? Thanks, Sparrowhawk.
Try a "Right Click" and select "New Burn Folder".
Now select and drag any or all files you want burned into this Burn Folder, when you are happy insert a CD or DVD and select Burn.

Couldn't be easier...

I just tried it myself. No stop sign for me, so . . .

What computer do you have? What operating system (e.g. 10.4, 10.5)?

My Operating system is 10.4.11. I should point out that the stop sign only appears when I use the select all from the menu. If I control-click each item separately, I can move them all into a disk. But this is time consuming, and I'm puzzled that they won't be moved if I use the "select all" option, since there doesn't seem to be a fundamental difference.
What software are you using to burn the CD? I use Liquid CD to burn backups to DVD, and it works for whole folders at a time.
I'm not sure why you're seeing a stop sign (circle with diagonal line crossing?).

You can also click the first file of a series, hold down SHIFT, and click the last file. All files in between will also be selected.

I usually use Toast Titanium (I have ver. 7), though I've burned many CDs and DVDs with Finder.

To conclude the problem of Burning my documents to CD, I ultimately just got a backup program, specifically Chronosync. It seems to work well. Thanks for everyone's responses attempting to help with this annoying problem, it is really appreciated when one isn't a computer expert. Sparrowhawk.