Bypassing the RAM Requirements


I just bought the Adobe Creative Suite 2, and i didnt realize that the RAM requirement was just bit more than what I have on my iBook. So is there any way for me to ingore the RAM Requirement and go ahead install the program? If there is a way to bypass the requirement, let me know.
If you just dropped $1200 on the CS2 package, what's another $50 for some extra RAM? ;)

In all seriousness, I spent about an hour looking through the CD to see if it was possible. It is on the PC version of CS2, as all you need to do is edit an entry in an .ini file (change 384 to something less), but it seems that there is no equivalent .plist file for the Mac installer.

Installing the applications individually (searching for their individual install package on the CD, NOT running the main installer and selecting one application) may get around the RAM requirements.
To begin, insert disc one of CS2 and then launch Disk Utility. From the File menu, create a new disk image from "Adobe Creative Suite Disk 1." Important: Make sure under the Image Format drop-down menu, you choose "read/write," and under Encryption you choose "none". After Disk Utility is finished creating the new image file, you can quit it. Next, double-click your newly created disk image to mount it.

Once mounted, control-click on the Adobe Installer and choose "Show Package Contents." Navigate to /Volumes: Adobe Creative Suite Disk 1: Adobe Contents: Resources: ACS-en_US.ami: Contents: Resources. Along the way, you'll have to control-click and "Show Package Contents" on ACS-en_US.ami. The file we'll be editing is named ami.plist.

Drag ami.plist to your Desktop to create a copy. Once copied, drag the new ami.plist over the icon for TextEdit. In TextEdit, scroll down until you see this section:
<string>ram </string>
<string>Minimum RAM error</string>
The figure 402653184 is simply 384MB in bytes. Change this figure to any amount of RAM you wish, just make sure the figure is in bytes! An easy way to calculate bytes is our old friend Google. Say you had 256MB of RAM and wanted to use this as your new minimum for CS2. Google for 256 MB in bytes. Your search result will be 268435456, and this is what you replace 402653184 with. After you've edited the minimum RAM to your desired amount, save the file.

The final step is to drag the freshly-edited ami.plist back to its home directory, overwriting the original file. You may have to authenticate once or twice to overwrite the existing file. (If for some reason, you are unable to overwrite ami.plist, first move the original to the trash, authenticating when needed. Then drag the newer ami.plist to the resources folder and authenticate when needed. If you use this method, make sure you empty the trash before you unmount the image.) Once the copy is complete, you can go back to the root of the disc, double-click on Adobe Installer, and begin your installation. You can also burn a copy of your edited CS2 Disk 1 with Disk Utility.
This is the first time I've heard of a program that actually enforces the minimum RAM requirement via config files. Normally, minimum specs are just recommendations and can normally be ignored.
Viro said:
This is the first time I've heard of a program that actually enforces the minimum RAM requirement via config files. Normally, minimum specs are just recommendations and can normally be ignored.
Yeah It doesn't make much sense...figure you already bought it so what does Adobe care if it runs slow on your system