Calibrating the Macbook Pro Battery


Hey guys, I tried searching for this topic in the forums but couldn't find any relevant topics so I thought I'd start a new one.

I just bought my new MBP today and wanted to fully calibrate the battery using the following guide:

ONe thing I did wrong though: after the battery hit 100%, I almost immediately disconnected the charger. As I'm typing the battery has fallen to a mere 13%. WHat should I do now? Just let it die down anyways and then leave it off for 5+ hours? Or should I reload to a hundred and try to do it a second time around tomorrow? Any wise men out here who can help me get the most out of my battery?
Why not follow Apple's official doc on that...?

A new system may not be too important to follow each point strictly to completion.
Apple has a vague recommendation for the calibration interval. The site the you linked to says (maybe) about 4 times a year. I don't think it's necessary more than once a year, unless you think you have battery life (or battery level indicator) problems.
So, there's a big range of recommedations, and the main difference is how you use your battery, I suppose. I will say that you should avoid being too "OCD" on the calibration of your battery. Apple's recent batteries are not the 2-3 year batteries, but you can expect that you don't ever need to replace the battery (at least within 5-7 years), as you may replace the whole laptop before the battery should normally need replacing.