I replaced my Chimera (from february) with yesterdays build of Camino 0.70.
It has wrong behaviour, and started to annoy me, after using it for a lot over half a year (the nightlies). Anyone else seeing these thing? :
- Homepage hijacked continuously to Camino project site. This has not happened once, but every time I launch the application; I have changed it back to my preferred every time, and it never stays.
- It is painfully slow. I don't know if the nrtwork I am now is full of teenagers downloading mp3s or why - but I have the impression it's painfully slow. It takes ages to load some sites - e.g. this
- Personalizations don't work. The changed prefs.js (~/Library/Application Support/Chimera/etc../Resources/prefs.js) does not work as included in it;
All these parts of the prefs.js file don't work as they should:
user_pref("browser.always_reuse_window", true);
user_pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", false);
user_pref("browser.history_expire_days", 2);
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "(my homepage)");
user_pref("browser.download.progressDnldDialog.keepAlive\", false);
It applies different values than the above.
- I want the cache disabled, history 2 days, my homepage and not camino project as default, use tabs instead of opening new ones, close download windows etc.
So, .. I'm back to 0.60.
At some point I could not load this forum at all with it.
It has wrong behaviour, and started to annoy me, after using it for a lot over half a year (the nightlies). Anyone else seeing these thing? :
- Homepage hijacked continuously to Camino project site. This has not happened once, but every time I launch the application; I have changed it back to my preferred every time, and it never stays.
- It is painfully slow. I don't know if the nrtwork I am now is full of teenagers downloading mp3s or why - but I have the impression it's painfully slow. It takes ages to load some sites - e.g. this
- Personalizations don't work. The changed prefs.js (~/Library/Application Support/Chimera/etc../Resources/prefs.js) does not work as included in it;
All these parts of the prefs.js file don't work as they should:
user_pref("browser.always_reuse_window", true);
user_pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", false);
user_pref("browser.history_expire_days", 2);
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "(my homepage)");
user_pref("browser.download.progressDnldDialog.keepAlive\", false);
It applies different values than the above.
- I want the cache disabled, history 2 days, my homepage and not camino project as default, use tabs instead of opening new ones, close download windows etc.
So, .. I'm back to 0.60.
At some point I could not load this forum at all with it.