

How do I pronounce this is it camm eeee nnnn oooo?


What is the differance between this and firefox? What should I use on the Mac on the PC I use firefox.
It's pronounced "cah-MEE-no." (It's actually the spanish word for "walk" as a verb in the 1st person and "path" or "walkpath" as a noun. :))

The difference between Camino and Firefox is that Camino uses the same rendering engine as Firefox but with a form and function similar to Safari. In other words, it's a Mozilla browser that is more Mac-like in function. Firefox on the other hand is very consistent across platforms, but because of this it loses its "Mac-ness" as a Macintosh application.

I bounce between the two from time to time, but if one works for you than stick with it. You can always give Camino a try and if you like it, great. if not, then use Firefox. :)
Like Nixgeek said, Camino is cleaner and more Mac-like than Firefox. The main advantage of Firefox is that it supports a wide array of extensions, like Adblock, and has some more built-in features, too.
Satcomer said:
Camino has adblock. Why do so many Firefox people seem to forget that fact?
Eh? Camino has a "block web advertising" feature, but it's nowhere near as powerful as Adblock. It's not even customizable. Is there a version of Adblock for Camino that I don't know about? AFAIK, Adblock is an extension that only works in Firefox. There are similar plugins for Safari, too (PithHelmet rocks!). Camino has very little third-party support, though.

Kudos to the Camino folks for including built-in filtering at all; most browsers don't. But it just doesn't compare to Adblock.