Can I format my Mac iPod to windows?


SOmeone wants to buy my old 10GB iPod off me, and then I'd buy a new 20gb..

BUT he uses Windows, and I of course have a mac. He has FireWire, so that's not a problem. If he uses iTunes for WIndows, will it automatically see the iPod, or will he have to reformat it?
Yes, the Mac iPod can be reformatted for Windows, though your friend will probably need to get a different firewire cable in order to plug it in, as PCs use a slightly different plug.
That's for Gen 3+ iPods, I didn't think the older ones could be formatted for the different platforms, hence a Mac Gen 2 iPod (which is what the 10 sounds like) is only for Macs. :confused: The newer models can be formatted to either platform, though.
I'll have to second Randman's answer... previous generation iPods (the ones with the buttons circling the scroll wheel in the center) are platform-specific. You either bought one for your Mac or bought one for your PC -- two different models were available.

I've heard of hacks out there to switvch which OS you can use them with, but you know how hacks can be... unreliable at best.
You don't need any hacks to reformat earlier iPods, I've done it with my 5gig. IIRC you just connect the iPod to a Windows machine and install the Windoes iPod software on it, remembering to check the reformat option. You've then got an iPod you can use on both your Mac and PC.
You can run both? Really? Cool, I can set my 20 Gen2 for Win as well and run it off WiTunes at work. What about iTMS content?
No idea about iTMS as I can't use it yet, don't see why it wouldn't work, as long as you had iTunes installed on the PC too.