Can I use pioneer dvr-s606 with osX?


HELP....Just recently purchased a pioneer external dvd burner model dvr-s606 , can I use it with mac ibook to burn dvd+RW +R and/ or dvd-RW -R?? Do I need a mac driver? can I use iDVD or toast for burning?
[can I use it with mac ibook to burn dvd+RW +R and/ or dvd-RW -R??]

Maybe, but only with OS 10.3 or newer, and probably only with Toast at this time. Apple does not officially support anything except DVD-R

[Do I need a mac driver? ]

No Mac driver, it'll either work or not, but check at for possible reports from users of this drive.

[can I use iDVD or toast for burning?]

iDVD does not support external burners at this time. Not sure about the new version with iLife 04. Toast works with most setups.
Should work fine with Toast.

From a review;
The only improvement we would like to see is support for Apple’s operating systems.
Pioneer has not included any Apple software in the package, and there is no claim for Apple support either.

A user review;
This drive works just fine under the Apple OS. Toast recognized it instantly. OS X 10.3 also recognized the unit right from the Finder. There was no need to install any drivers. This really isn't surprising, since the Pioneer drive is the one Apple uses for its own Superdrive, but it's still nice to know.