Can you create new Finder windows by clicking on Finder icon in Dock?


100% Bull Plop
Under all versions of X, if you have no finder windows open, and click on the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window will open. If you already have a Finder window open, it will bring it to the front. I hate this behavior, and was wondering if anybody knows how one could alter the dock so that every time you click on the finder icon, a new finder window will open, regardless if an open finder window already exists.

I realize this sort of breaks the bring to front idea between application switching and the dock, but I find it annoying that it would take me four clicks in the file menu to open 2 windows, instead of just clicking twice on the dock icon.

Does anybody agree? Any solutions?

(BTW don't get me started with shift-cmd-n)
>(BTW don't get me started with shift-cmd-n)

just cmd-n will do the trick (at least in panther)! :P
OK, you've got me. How do You define a 'finder window'? Which finder window would you prefer to have open, when there is none currently open, and you click on the finder icon?? Your drive root, your user folder, your applications folder? Each of those are 'Finder windows' Perhaps there could be a way to set a default for which Finder window opens?

Actually I like this existing behaviour.
Usually when I want to go to Finder, and click on the Finder icon, I expect to go to the folder view I currently have in use, which is what it does. And then you use the toolbar on that Finder window, or just use the Go menu, which gives you a lot more options in one keystroke :)