A clone might just be the system partition, without the Recovery HD partition, unless you know that you purposely cloned both partitions.
If you did a normal install (either through the App Store, or through an OS X installer DVD/flash drive/HD installer that you made) then that would include a Recovery HD partition.
With that in mind, the Recovery HD will be bootable (that's its purpose)
If one of the 10.8 partitions does not have a Recovery partition, can you boot to any of the other recovery HD partitions (there's one for 10.7, and one for 10.8, from what you say?). Be sure to try each one.
I'm a little concerned that you would have 2 (or more) hard drives, each with (at least) two bootable partitions (OS X system, and the Recovery HD partition), and none will boot? Is that an accurate understanding of what you have?
Does the 10.7 (Lion) Recovery boot work? If not, what does happen?
If neither of the 10.8 Recovery HD will boot, then you would need to do a reinstall. You'll do that through the App Store, of course.
Or, do you have some type of backup of the 10.8 installer? I have several flash drives that I keep updated with the current 10.7 or 10.8 installer, which I can use without needing to be connected to the internet (although that gives you the system with some complaints about wanting an internet connection, but still installs.)